UK universities urged to end drugs zero tolerance and focus on harm reduction

UK universities urged to end drugs zero tolerance and focus on harm reduction

by zaraalbro

  1. Every socially progressive cause is just “people urge UK to become shitter”

    Drugs shouldn’t be tolerated. They should be cracked down and their users ostracised for funding an evil business

  2. The war on drugs has been one of the biggest failures of the western world.

  3. Do universities actually care if students use drugs, other than if they come to lectures baked out of their mind?

  4. Legalise the fucking lot and control it. Allow it to become dosed and kept in controlled situations. This would deal a massive blow to UK and global crime gangs. It would make the economy extremely strong and would see deaths plummet.

  5. Nah, that’s so embarrassing to die on your first day of Uni…

    On Ket as well

  6. It’s crazy to me that ketamine is more prevalent then ecstasy now. Ket was always a post-night out drug that mellowed you out for the comedown, or specifically a night IN drug to get wavey asf with a few mates. Are students not going out these days? I could not imagine taking ket in a club, that sounds nightmarish.

  7. Harm reduction is the way forward, people are always going to dabble and experiment it’s about them doing it the safe way.

  8. Same rhetoric that has made teaching a nightmare job. You can help people by not tolerating it. Facilitating or turning a blind eye to budding addicts is not helping anyone. 

  9. Harm reduction works. There’s a tonne of experimental evidence for it.

    Most unis have the facilities in place to run harm reduction testing services. You could hire a couple of your analytical chemistry PhDs pretty cheaply to do the work and get some interesting research out of the deal.

    Source: did some harm reduction testing during my PhD. Worked on using cheap portable mass spectrometers to test for contaminants in drug samples. Got the first UK detection of a ketamine derivative that the police didn’t know was on the streets at the time within the first 2 days of testing samples.

  10. Harm reduction policies are the only logical solution and those who can’t accept that are far too focused on the image of being “tough on crime” or whatever.

    It’s not about “hey everyone, take as much drugs as you want!”, it’s an acceptance that humans have been taking mind altering substances for thousands upon thousands of years, they will continue to do so, and the best way to control the harms that comes from it is to promote responsible usage amongst those who partake and be transparent with the risks.

  11. Something does need to be done about it, cause i find it crazy that cocaine use is as normalized as it is in the UK

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