Italy chooses Rheinmetall to build 350 Lynx infantry fighting vehicles and more than 200 Panther tanks

Italy chooses Rheinmetall to build 350 Lynx infantry fighting vehicles and more than 200 Panther tanks

by UniqueRepair5721

  1. The Italian government wants to buy 350 Lynx infantry fighting vehicles and more than 200 Panther tanks from the German company Rheinmetall. This was reported today by the “Handelsblatt” newspaper, citing internal company sources. The contract has a term of 15 years and is expected to be worth around 20 billion euros, part of which will go towards the maintenance of the equipment. In addition, the order is likely to be supplemented by so-called support vehicles, which are required for the recovery of damaged tanks. According to the information provided, the contract could be officially awarded this week.

  2. A friend of mine bought Rheinmetall stocks for 50€ during the Corona low and now they are at 500€🥲

  3. How does the Panther KF51 compare to Leopard, Challenger 3, Abrams and other tanks? Looks modern/futuristic that’s for sure.

  4. Some interesting development going on in the market. Italy choosing the Panther will make it even more difficult for MGCS to gain traction.

  5. Why can we still not agree on any standardization in European militaries? For MBTs there are at least 4 different new systems now used by different nations with modernized Leopard 2, K2, M1 Abrams, and now KF51 (which also uses a different caliber than the others). Add to that the British Challenger 3 and whatever the French plan is for their Leclercs.

    That’s why Europe is spending as much as China on defense yet it’s questionable if it can even hold its own against Russia.

  6. Unless contract is singed, could still be a move to try and get a more favorable deal from French-German KNDS for their tank.

    Good news if true though.

  7. looks like rheinmetal will become europes lockheed martin or raytheon. wonder who owns shares in it and how much lobbying they are doing

  8. So many experts here which know more than the people who actually develop these things. Stunning.

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