German police was called because a Bavarian customer has paid 16 beers individually with EC card

German police was called because a Bavarian customer has paid 16 beers individually with EC card

by guyoffthegrid

  1. If you can’t afford the transaction fees, don’t accept cards. Or make your beer 20cent more expensive to cover the costs. An innkeeper losing his shit because a paying customer doesn’t pay the way he likes to is bad publicity

  2. lmao I’m from Latvia the same as that customer, I have one €10 banknote in my wallet “just in case” and it has been in my wallet for at least the past year. Going to Germany soon, guess I’ll have to visit an ATM 😂

  3. What ? German people use cards to pay now, and not good ol’ 100€ notes ?

  4. While calling the police is way over the top, paying 16 beers individually with card is indeed strange.

  5. This is the proper way to deal with customers in Germany.

    You better thank the patron for his gracious permission to enter his establishment. Don’t bother him by expecting service, friendliness or convenience and God help you if you did not bring enough cash.

  6. Accepting cards should be required by law. Germany is ridiculously backwards in many ways including this one.

  7. German businesses constantly fail to understand that people spend more with cards compared to cash, the psychological element of a tangible currency is stronger than one may think.

    Combine this with lost sales (sometimes you don’t have that bill) and fees are usually more than offset. In countries like UK businesses have understood this 20 years ago and they let people pay however they want

  8. That costed the pub hefty €3.20 in transaction costs. Really…? REALLY Is it worth bothering the police over this?

    Simply accept the payment and don’t accept further orders from this customer unless paid in cash upfront. Simples.

  9. Calling police over 3€ is not a way how to run business when customer didn’t steal anything.

  10. I live in northern germany and I can pay with my card at the turkish food truck standing in front of the supermarket.

    this is not a structural issue

  11. German digitalisation in a nut shell:

    “Officer a customer wants to pay his beer!”

    “And? What’s the problem with it?”

    “He wants to pay with card.”

    “Hold him down. We’re coming!”

  12. Nobody is acknowledging that this dude drank 16 beers. That’s pretty impressive. And yeah, picking a fight over 3,20€ is dumb. But hey, Niederbayern

  13. Did anyone else notice that strange AI-illustration? The owner must have torn his shirt in a Hulk-like rage fit because he was so mad at the customer.

  14. Germany lives in the middle ages when it comes to payment methods and a lot of IT infrastructure.

  15. I almost never use cash, pay but Apple Pay.

    Last week, my company made me undergo a power outage awareness training. Part of the training was to urge people to have cash at hand in case of several days to weeks of power outage.

    This is Western Europe btw.

  16. I’m from germany and i’ve been to Wroclaw a few months ago (bachelor party). we’ve been to some bars and clubs. prior to that, i got 500 Zloty from an ATM and split it with a mate of mine. Now, i still got 300 Zloty, because i paid every single beer/drink/food with my credit card.

    though i like paying by card, we germans are not used to our cards being accepted

  17. Isn’t it standard practice in almost ANY type of business to have some kind of money losers that bring you more business so you end up making money indirectly? This is one of the situations but germans are sometimes really this dumb. Lots of bad publicity and wasted police’s time for a couple of Euros of transaction fees?

  18. not that I expected anything else, but:

    Police were called because the customer – after successfully ordering, receiving and drinking 16 beers individually with EC card and thus being extremely drunk – started arguing when being told he could no longer order new beer and didn’t leave the premise after being told to do so. Surely throwing out extremely drunk patrons and calling the police if they refuse to comply is common everywhere in Europe?

    Still the anti-cashless sentiment among restaurants in Germany is true and stupid and I would hope it changes.

  19. **Info**: he paid *16 times*, so the host had to pay 16 times the EC fee. Would have been no problem, if he just paid all 16 at once.

  20. Ok, that’s just peak Germany… completely ridiculous, but really funny.

    Basically, whenever you “dare” to pay with card, you have to be really apologetic about it, and say that you didn’t know, etc…

  21. Meanwhile a friend of mine abused a VISA card “benefit” his bank offered, where for every transaction they ‘gifted’ you the difference to the rounded up EUR value. I.e. if you used their card and made a purchase for 16.68 EUR the bank would gift you 32 cents.

    So *naturally* my friend went to a Tegut during midday when another friend was working there as cashier and no other customer was there, and then he would buy hundreds of single potatoes for about 2 or 3 cents, each on a different receipt. For each transaction he would thus make a profit of 94 or 96 cents, gaining him about 250 EUR (plus an unreasonable amount of free potatoes) in the week he did that.

    It didn’t take long until the bank called him like “would you please stop that..?” and he just boldly responded “why?” to which the bank person had no good answer. He continued that scheme for another week until the bank took that “benefit” completely down nationwide lmao.

  22. Just a reminder to you guys ,Bavaria is different and somewhat special

  23. The innkeeper most likely had a card reader from his „housebank“, they have very high fees.
    As a german myself I don’t visit shops that don’t accept credit cards.

  24. What happened with the customer?

    Was he arrested, was he forced to find an ATM and get cash and pay with it?

  25. Controversial idea/opinion: Maybe cash not being an option anymore, anywhere in Berlin, would also stop people from begging for money every (feels like) minute on the ring bahn and tourist areas.

  26. So let me be clear, some asshole tavern owner decided to call police on client because of extra 3,20€ in CC processing fees?

    German mentality at its best.

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