Did you know that everytime Turkey wins a match the searchterms for right wing parties rise by about 300%?

Did you know that everytime Turkey wins a match the searchterms for right wing parties rise by about 300%?


  1. Kebab strong, will avenge Romania’s defeat. 🇹🇷🇹🇷💪🏻💪🏻🇷🇴🇷🇴

  2. I can only hope for Germany v Turkey in the finals and then a Turkish victory. Maybe we can speed up the whole *gain power – abuse power – suck at governing – implosion of political party – loose all support – liberal hegemony for 30 years* —cycle a bit. Also people may actually destroy Berlin, which economically would just be a German W. Definitely no problem there

  3. After the first German satellite state (Austria) failed to fend off the savages it is now up to satellite number two (Netherlands) and if they fail too there’s still hope that satellite three (Switzerland) can finish the job after kicking out Barry. A finale between Germany and Turkey in Berlin of all places would lead to rioting of previously unheard of proportions spreading across the continent. Have you seen The Purge? Imagine that but all over Europe. We can’t let that happen.

  4. I feel so United.

    I’m a bit afraid tho since I live in Amsterdam West, aka New Turkije

  5. I was rooting for the basement lovers, now I have to root for the swamp fetishists, smh. 

  6. Nah, Germany losing to Turkey in final may be even funnier, for total chaos. Then Merkel Kebabistan vision finally be fulfilled or funny mustache time descends, no in-between

  7. Dumfries is too good of an actor to lose.

    He will start the match by brutalizing a turkish player with no penalty by the referee and following it up with throwing himself to the ground in agonizing pain every time a turkish player gets closer than 50 meters to the NL goal.

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