Weißrussland baut sein Militär an der Grenze zur Ukraine auf und prahlt mit der „hohen Kampfbereitschaft“ seiner Truppen

Weißrussland baut sein Militär an der Grenze zur Ukraine auf und prahlt mit der „hohen Kampfbereitschaft“ seiner Truppen


  1. Belarus isn’t invading Ukraine any soon but at the same time Ukraine have to keep, near the border, men and equipment, it’s a very effective way to please Putin for Lukashenko with virtually a very low risk and budget

  2. Time for a no fly zone over Ukraine and a massive deployment of NATO troops on the Belarus/Poland border.

  3. Can all other countries that want to have a proper resolution of this conflict, agree that once foreign (to Russia) forces enter Ukraine (NKorean, Belarussian) there’s a greenlight to start a world coalition to as**uck them to kingdom come?

    If you need a memory boost, NATO is a **defense** alliance…

  4. An appropriate response would be the deployment of NATO troops to the Belarusian border and yell out exactly the same thing. When the Russian soldiers from wish go home NATO troops go home.

  5. I think its the perfect moment for the French Foreign Legion to go in and guard that border to free up more Ukrainians.

  6. They already shit themselves when the US Armed Forces simply look in their general direction… 1 week for air superiority, give it 1 more month with boots on the ground and belarus will be deleted.

  7. So you are saying they are all bunched up in one area then? Hmmmm… How many birds can we get?

  8. Might be a good idea for NATO to mass some troops on Belarus’ border with Lithuania to give the fat man a dilemma. Same with Kaliningrad.

  9. It’s like David challenging Goliath, but with a sling with a rubber ball. Yer it might hurt if you catch them in the eye, but that fist is gonna splat you when it comes down.

  10. I can literally go on EBay and equip myself like a Belorussian soldier down to the optics and patches. They have nothing…

  11. If they perform well enough, he might finally get that promotion to Colonel he’s always wanted.

  12. Maybe we should send peacekeeper forces to ukraine-belarus border so they stay in mordor.

  13. Clearly directed by pootin but they aren’t invading or they would have years ago! Shows you how worried ruzzia is that they are ordering belarus, iran AND the hermit kingdom to all rattle the sabre at once!!!

  14. Poland is just itching for a reason to jump into this. And I suspect that neither Belarus nor Russia want that.

  15. Sounds like they just want to force Ukraine to station more troops on the Belarus border and away from the frontlines with Russia.

    If they were to actually attack, why would you use such rhetoric?

  16. knowing the belarussians hate the government, the military is probably going to turn arounD and head for putins western cunt

  17. So Belarus and NK plan on sending troops to Ukraine. I feel like that should green light a European response

  18. They’re expecting Trump to win along with a total collapse in Ukraine aid from the US.

    The second America goes full Trump isolationist, all bets are off. If the US gives the finger to NATO, all the current wars going on will seem like a pillow fight compared to what we’ll see in 2025.

  19. I can’t wait to see the look on this puppet’s face when he gets smacked. Reality will set in *quick*.

  20. Belarusian forces in Ukraine would only weaken the Belarusian government. It would also risk the increase of troops in Ukraine.

    If Belarus was dumb enough to join the war then western intelligence would be screaming it from the rooftop.

  21. They do it only to make Ukraine keep some soldiers on this border. Maybe we in Poland should do the same near Belarus border.

  22. Hide your sticks, because belarus soldiers will get them and demonstrate kung fu

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