Kraken didn’t even let him finish his cig

Kraken didn’t even let him finish his cig

by Livid-Abrocoma7694

  1. That’s for not letting the Ukrainians finish their breakfast on 24th Feb 2022.

  2. Brutal. I mean this cigarette was to young to die. *sigh* Well, what’s done is done.

  3. Now we know the answer to what kills an orc faster, smoking or a drone… and apparently the answer lies in combining both of them at the same time.

  4. Ha, I just remembered a scene from the movie “Cold Turkey”. Dr. Procter was trying to light up because he always had a smoke before surgery. The guy on the gurney says “For Gods sake, let him smoke!”

  5. Nothing says “fuck off back to Russia, arsewipe” quite like being hunted by multiple Ukrainian drones…

  6. It looks like he accepted his death. Would still be alive if you stayed home.

  7. Seems like they have a bad habit of not reading the general warnings on the cigarette packs warning of hazard to health…oh well…

  8. Let him finish his cig?? Why, dont u know those can cause massive fires? We have seen that happen u know…

  9. I once heard someone say (in a movie perhaps) that the tobacco industry marketed to RAVs. Russians, Arabs, and villains. I guess it’s true.

  10. That’s for not letting the guy who said “Slava Ukraini” finish his cigarette either

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