Another footage of the Russian missile attack in Dnipro this morning. Russia is a terrorist state

Another footage of the Russian missile attack in Dnipro this morning. Russia is a terrorist state

by Igor0976

  1. Part of this video was included in the video posted by Zelenskiy on his telegram channel.

  2. Fuck them , fuck that russian asshole, i believe In karma and im sure they will burn In hell … and i wish PutinDickHead will die In pain. Law of universe will bring him In the point he will suffer

  3. Just wanted to post this video here, thank you for sharing, world must know, what it means to have russians as a neighbour country .

  4. And in another news- “If russia tries to escalate, we will let Ukraine strike deeper in to russian territory, USA” this is all you need to know about current situation..

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