Turkey’s Merih Demiral facing ban over ‘wolf’ celebration in win over Austria | Turkey

Turkey’s Merih Demiral facing ban over ‘wolf’ celebration in win over Austria | Turkey


by bbmm

  1. Ban him.

    The Grey Wolves are not “right-wing extremist nationalist group”. They are terrorists.

  2. He did it on the anniversary of the massacre of Alevis in Sivas (Sebastea) of 1993 🤦🏻‍♂️

  3. If the move were banned before (which I think is an ok move) I’d be ok for sanctions, yet if it’s not banned and he made it, sanctions don’t make sense.

  4. Is anyone surprised about this? I mean, this is par for the course these days, plus probability of them banning him after Turkey qualified for the quarterfinals is basically nil.

    Turkey never gets punished for this type of shit. UEFA will let it slide, mark my words.

  5. This gesture is used by supporters of extremist nationalist Turkish groups that support genocide and ethnic cleansing. The extreme right-wing fascist group in Turkey, the Gray Wolves, is known for its racist attitudes toward Jews, Kurds, Greeks, Albanians and Armenians. 

    Soccer scandals have already happened with the Grey Wolves’ symbols: Ozil got a tattoo, Tosun celebrated with a gesture 

    A year ago, a tattoo of a wolf with three crescents on Mesut Ozil’s left chest was noticed – these are the symbols of “Bozkurt” and the MNR, which caused condemnation among some German politicians. In 2021, Turkish-German striker Cenk Tosun celebrated with a “wolf salute” a goal in the FA Cup for Everton. But at the time he claimed that he simply pointed to the sky, and knew nothing about the gesture and the “Grey Wolves”. 

    In Austria, the very gesture of the “Gray Wolves” and its symbols are banned since 2019. Violation is punishable by a fine of four thousand euros. In 2020, the organization was banned in France. In both cases, official Ankara strongly protested. 

    In 2018, Erdogan at one of the rallies demonstrated the very gesture – “Wolf salute”: many thought that this was his way of trying to attract the votes of Turkish nationalists  

    Now “Grey Wolves” is considered the largest right-wing extremist organization in Germany (up to 18 thousand supporters). Many German politicians have proposed to ban the gesture and symbols, in 2020 this issue was considered by the parliament, but so far the decision has not reached.

    But in Azerbaijan “Gray Wolves” were banned back in 1995.

    In 2005, Bozkurt was recognized as a terrorist group in Kazakhstan.

  6. I think the deciding factor should be whether or not he knew what it meant, but his statement of “I’m just proud of my Turkish heritage.” implies that he did know what it meant but is trying to post hoc justify it. Reminds me a bit of the white supremacists who wear those “White Lives Matter” shirts in an attempt to soften up what their their real goals and motivations are.

  7. Oh yes, we are very surprised that these behaviours are so prominent in Turkey, to the point that they feel comfortable enough to display them in worldwide sport competitions. Aghhhh we have been duped. /s

  8. turks in shambles. good on them. Finally I can sleep at night when we lose.

    Imagine showing right winged symbols on live-Tv and thinking its alright

  9. Dieser Bann ist ein komplett falsches Zeichen. Der Fikkefuchs ist ein Geheimzeichen in der islamsichen Schwulenszene, auf die Demiral mit dem Zeichen aufmerksam machen wollte.

  10. He’s just a huge Hulk Hogan fan, shares his views on guys that date his daughter.

    Google Hulk Hogan daughter dates for more info

  11. Hypocrasy of r/europe again.. I am gona get downvoted to hell because this sub is known for anti Turkish agenda. First of all i am an atheist(who has a aleviten backgroundt turkish who would never evet vote for the party of grey wolves since their main agenda is “a turk can not be a real turk if he is not sunni muslim.” They are not turkists they are fucking islamists so threatening them as like they are nazis is not really accurate they are more like isis in my eyes i am just educating you since you love talking about the things you dont know about Turkiye. Their sembol is a wolf but guess what Turkiye’s national symbol is ? Bingo a wolf ! Like eagle is a national symbol to Albania and Germany. So this player would be referring to our NATIONAL SYMBOL easily right ? But no since he is a Turkish he must be a terrorist. If he did a symbol of PKK this sub probably applause him. Because doing a parade of PKK is possible in the middle of Europe with the police escorting them even though they are accepted as terrorist organisation by the EU. But when a Turkish football player does this German minister goes into rant about how they reported him and he should get a ban. Dear minister what were you doing when PKK was having a parade in the middle of Berlin months ago ? Man whatever nobody is gonna read that shit anyways and i will get downvoted to hell. But lastly fuck greywolves fuck pkk fuck nazis ! I

  12. I just realized that i could have been fined at the Nova Rock Babymetal concert lol

  13. The article fails to mention Austria fans chanted far right [slogans](https://www.watson.ch/sport/fussball/489248296-oesterreich-fans-sorgen-an-der-em-mit-rassismus-parolen-im-srf-fuer-eklat) before the match. During the match they have used provocative slogans, threw cups etc to Turkish footballers including him.

    Wolf sign is used in many Turkic countries to symbolise Turkic peoples and have been around long before Grey Volwes adopted it. I hate to see it is being associated with them.

  14. People are unbelievably ignorant and unable to think it seems. We should band a symbol just because someone used a sign and committed crime?
    Fking PKK members killed thousands of people since decades and their symbols is peace ✌️, let’s ban it?

  15. Of course this sub is going to shit on him for this. He is not facing a ban because last year in Germany there has been a statement about “every wolf handsign shouldn’t be considered as right wing extremism” and it’s not illegal in Germany. İt’s a pretty normal thing for Turkish people and it has a far longer history than popularized 1960s use. He’s a Turkish football player that is proud of his heritage. From leftists to right wing Kurds to Turks and alevis last night Turks congratuled him because it’s not “only right wing extremists” thing. İf you consider him a terrorist that means 70-80 percent of Turks are terrorist then. Many Kurds and alevis don’t see a problem with him here in turkey why is this being an issue in Germany ?

  16. German Federal Organization for the Protection of the Constitution:

    – There are various references to wolves in Turkish founding mythologies, for example in the Ergenekon myth.
    – The wolf greeting is derived from “Grey Wolf”.
    – Not everyone who uses this greeting has to be a far-right Turk.

  17. So we should arrest every one who makes “V”ictory sign because thats PKK sembol.

  18. Italy has a wolf as a national animal too, why don’t we have something similar?

  19. It’s also kinda funny as a right wing symbol since so many unrelated nationalities around the world have names for themselves that derive from the word for “wolf” or somehow associate the wolf with their people. It’s basically the cultural equivalent of the howling wolf moon shirts that were popular in various gift shops in the 90s.

  20. There is no widely accepted deep meaning behind this sign in Turkey. Hard-core MHP supporters are fascist and can be accepted as a threat to society but you can find people all around Turkey doing that after a terrorist attack or football match or a wedding. For most, it means I am proud to be Turkish. It is ridiculous to make this a crime. But what do you expect from Europeans who criminalize “from river to the sea” phrase and give blank check to Netanyahu for the genocide. Even I am opposite side of the spectrum with ultra nationalists I think it is ridiculous to punish him…

  21. Tbh it will probably be soon forbidden to be a left winger considering the world is turning fascist, so lets enjoy the last throes of the higher moral period while we can.

  22. This guy made this sign on the anniversary where people were burnt alive by people making this sign.

    Fucking racist cunt.

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