New flag for the DACH region just dropped, the “Einheits-Heinz”

New flag for the DACH region just dropped, the “Einheits-Heinz”

by lemontolha

  1. Looks good, however some type of a black cross, somewhere in the middle, would make it more better.

  2. Yellow is a silly colour on a flag. Get rid of it. Black-white-and-red has always served you well.

  3. Don’t bother Germany. The lesser peoples in your union will spend the next 100 years bitching and moaning at you until you are forced to give them more and more of your money to shut them up.

  4. Well I am going to make my own region with blackjack and drugs. I will invite only the cool kids in Europe (Belgium and Luxembourg). We will call it Nebelux!

    Its not like I even wanted to join your stupid club anyway! B-B-BAKA!

  5. It’s a joke only for Germans, right ? I mean, you Hanses laugh at this ? Just curious.

  6. God damn that’s an ugly flag… And the bottom one is a bit weird too…

  7. This is my favorite post lol probably took even 3 brain cells to create.

  8. I actually really like this. Would put that bad boy on my balcony without a hint of irony.

  9. I am not amused. I don’t see the Austrian flag represented at all. This is just a mix of German and Swiss Plus.

  10. So Liechtenstein would stay independent and just be a tiny independent point in the country

  11. Why would you make it Heinz when the correct translation of Jack is Hans?

    Jack is a diminutive variant of John, Hans is the short form of Johannes, which is the German form of John.

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