Die Ukraine erklärt, sie sei nicht bereit, als Reaktion auf Trumps Behauptungen Kompromisse einzugehen

Die Ukraine erklärt, sie sei nicht bereit, als Reaktion auf Trumps Behauptungen Kompromisse einzugehen


  1. Don’t they have a war to focus on and not the next US presidential elections?

  2. > Reports indicated Trump’s advisers had proposed a strategy involving the threat of cutting U.S. aid unless Kyiv entered into negotiations with Moscow.
    > Yermak responded cautiously when asked about Trump’s approach, saying: “Honest answer: I don’t know. Let’s see.”
    > Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s chief of staff, Andriy Yermak, commented during a visit to Washington that while Kyiv wants a “just peace,” certain fundamental values such as independence, freedom, democracy, territorial integrity, and sovereignty are non-negotiable.

  3. Mexica taking Texas and China forcing US to compromise. That’s how it looks from our point of view.

  4. Trump already setting up the stage to help russia win the war if he is elected

  5. Is this not, at best, skirting a violation of the Logan Act? Not that anyone has ever really given a shit about that. Looking at you Nixon prolonging the Vietnam War or Regan making deals about hostages in Iran.

  6. I would love to see more world leaders call out Trump’s bullshit leading up to the election. His rhetoric on how he believes world leaders respected him during his administration and now they laugh at Biden is so pathetic. *He* was the laughing stock of the world during his term and his narcissism can’t handle it.

  7. Question: If Donald Trump had not tried to extort Zalensky do you think this could have ended differently? Would it have?

  8. Ukraine says it’s unwilling to compromise the war is probably not ending anytime soon.

  9. They already treating Trump like the president, he’s never stopped running the country seeing as he runs the GOP and they run the house.

  10. Kremlin State TV constantly calls Trump “their man”. If he’s elected he’ll ensure Russia is free to rape, pillage and conquer the whole of Europe.

  11. If trump gets elected and cuts support, it doesn’t mean Ukraine would just give up! Would you? What’s more than likely to happen is that Europe will enter the war because it can’t just let Russia take Ukraine.

  12. I think trump would not remove the aid to Ukraine, my reasoning is that it would make him and the US look weak against a dictatorship, something no one in the US likes. And it would be dumb too, you want your rivals weaker or controlled, not stronger.

  13. Donald Trump is a c*nt, so there that.

    Ukraine should decide if it gives up its own land, and nobody else. Especially not a convicted rapist, serial felon, failed businessman, serial liar, and loser, Donald Trump.

  14. Realistically what I see happening when Trump gets elected is that he will tell Zelensky to cede the captured territory to Russia in exchange for ending the war. Putin likely wants this as they are also in a stalemate and cant capture more. This will officially rewrite and solidify the new borders for world and in due time Europe will start trading with Russia again. In other words Ukraine is never getting that stolen land back.

  15. So what was the point of sending all that money and weapons over there just to let Russia win anyways?

  16. Anything that Trump is involved in will be to the benefit of Russia. He never has a bad word to say about Putin but has no problem ridiculing everybody in his own country without remorse.

  17. Get attacked, get your land taken and people killed for effectively no reason and then be forced to make peace. Seems completely reasonable to me.

  18. If trump wins the election, I think we can expect him to be assassinated at some point. Whether it be by Ukrainian agents, or the American people.

    (To be clear, I am not suggesting we kill him, all I’m saying is that I wouldn’t be surprised.)

  19. Sounds like a Logan Act violation. Time for Biden to start flexing his new immunity powers.

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