China can end Russia’s war in Ukraine with one phone call, Finnish President Alexander Stubb says. “Russia is so dependent on China right now. One phone call from President Xi Jinping would solve this crisis.”

China can end Russia’s war in Ukraine with one phone call, Finnish President Alexander Stubb says.

“Russia is so dependent on China right now. One phone call from President Xi Jinping would solve this crisis.”

by Orcasystems99

  1. A lot of countries seem to think they can end this war with one phone call… yet none of them have boots on the ground.

  2. I don’t think even China has that kind of leverage over Russia. That being said, if China wanted to, they could apply economic pressure on Russia and also pressure North Korea to stop supplying them. Eventually with nowhere to go Russia would be forced to at least call for temporary ceasefire.

  3. China doesn’t want to.

    If they did, they would’ve done it long ago instead of letting the war drag this long. It’s definitely disadvantageous to China politically. And now that it’s dragged this long, if it’s an ultimate full loss, it’d be even worse for China. Here’s a nice YouTube video on this:

  4. China is not benefiting from that ‘one phone call’ right now… they wait until Ruzzia is getting even more weaker so they can take part of the west of Ruzzia back that they consider to be theirs as well. China is a smart strategical player here that is in the game for the long run. There moves will come later in two or three years from now. If they would act now, they won’t get the full benefit they foresee. Doing so on the expense of a few hundred thousands additional dead persons doesn’t make a difference to them.

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