Reform UK candidate described autistic people as ‘vegetables’

Reform UK candidate described autistic people as ‘vegetables’,autistic%20people%20as%20%E2%80%9Cvegetables%E2%80%9D

by loonongrass

  1. Looking forward to the election being over so I don’t have to hear about how many of these nasty cunts there are out there.

  2. If the parties were all subject to a randomised IQ test of membership I wonder where Reform’s knuckle draggers would come and at what IQ rating.

  3. Reform slipping in one more “Reform Candidate says…” before election day. You got to admire the dedication.

  4. I’m amazed anyone can realistically look at these degenerates and go “yep, that’s my kind of people, let’s get real change”

  5. So, who’s gonna tell him that most of us “vegetables” can vote, and it ain’t gonna be for morons like him?!

  6. Farage:

    “I don’t know this candidate!”

    “It was just banter!”

    “It’s media bias!”

    “The Tories/Labour have said much worse!”

  7. The only good thing is ….

    When Mr potato head fails to be elected, the people of Chelmsford will at least know who the cunt is and what his line of business is.

    The internet rarely forgets or forgives.

    Soon be an ex surveyor.

  8. When one of your candidates turns out to be an arsehole, you can blame the arsehole.

    When every single one of your candidates who faces even the tiniest amount of scrutiny turns out to be a racist, a homophobe, an Islamophobe, a hater of the disabled, a Putin, a misogynist or a fan of Hitler, we’re going to assume that there’s something wrong with your party and your ideology.

    At this point the non-cunts within Reform are the exception.

  9. Reform MP acts like dickhead > Media speak to Farage > Farage gets more media attention > repeat

  10. The fact that most people who plan on voting for them aren’t even aware of how vile they are (or, just don’t care) is most concerning.

  11. Somewhere in reform hq is a well thumbed cards against humanity deck labelled “press release generator”.

  12. Part of me hopes that, having come face to face with the enormity of possibly having to represent a constituency of many thousands of people, at least some of these candidates are having a bit of a panic and choosing to try and scupper their chances with some seemingly offhand comments that are likely to get them sufficiently cancelled as to not get elected.

    Alas, the reality is more likely to be that the Reform Party’s vetting process is mainly concerned with whether candidates can parrot a handful of simplistic talking points and like going down the pub. Obviously the mainstream, and even the more fringe, parties will occasionally turn up shitshows like Jared O’Mara but its amazing that UKIP, Brexit/Reform etc refuse to learn even the basic lesson of checking their candidates for some basic competencies such as not openly spouting toxic, risible shit.

  13. Stuff like this, and all the conspiracy theories about things giving kids autism, as if that was the worst thing in the world, makes me worry we might be the next “out” group after Trans folk.

  14. Funny… Apparently vegetables like myself can hold down a 60k/yr job for a top firm. Funny that.

  15. Has Reform (ltd) said if it was the fault of the BBC, Channel 4 News or the Electoral Commission yet?

  16. Reform, earning the votes of people who value ‘straight talking’ and ‘not woke’ candidates.

    The disabled, autistic, poor, homeless, immigrants, all ‘useless eaters’ to Farages lot.

  17. Well considering that I drive, work full time and generally have a life, I’d say I’m doing pretty well for a ‘vegetable’.

  18. The same guy yesterday was calling some woman a thick moron who shouldn’t breed.

    This Darren works for Essex fire and rescue, if you look on Twitter you’ll see they’re investigating all this so I’d have thought he’ll be booted out of the fire service some time soon too.

  19. Could be worse. At least they don’t look like a melted waxwork of Alf Garnett, you fucking bellend.

  20. I mean as a diagnosed autistic woman, I have a full time job, live alone, travel alone, pay my own bills, I’m far from a “vegetable”, even though vegging out after a night out drinking is pretty good?

    What an absolute idiot. It’s a spectrum. I’m not even angry, just find it funny people think like this. Like, “okay idiot what a weird hill to die on”

  21. What did he actually say? I am not subscribing. But I haven’t found comments quoting him?

  22. As an autistic person I find this sickening. I am a human being who deserves to be treated with respect, not a fucking talking point.

  23. It’s all an act to get us wound up and doing exactly what we are doing now, discussing Reform.
    I have a beautiful carrot daughter who I am very proud of so he wouldn’t be brave enough to say it to my face.

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