UEFA launched an investigation against Turkish football player Melih Demiral for making the “bozkurt” sign, which reflects Turkish nationalism.

UEFA launched an investigation against Turkish football player Melih Demiral for making the “bozkurt” sign, which reflects Turkish nationalism.


by Sea-Machine8690

  1. Ban him from every event permanently, I hate the sliding scale, if you are an asshole as a fan or a player, just give them the boot or at min a 10 – 20 year ban

  2. What investigation? What’s there to investigate? The guy made the sign, commented that he’s proud he did it. Now if there is a rule against such crap, punish him with whatever punishment fits the infringement. If there’s no rule, say there’s no rule against it and move on. Investigating my ass…

  3. “Turkish nationalism”? Its the call sign of a fucking terrorist group

  4. “Turkish nationalism” ?

    More like turkish fascists / nazis.

    This guy should be banned fro the rest of the EM

  5. I mean there are people who use that sign to reflect nationalism that’s true but when my guy you are in an international environment think a little.

  6. most of you don’t know what you are talking about, it’s just a sign of Turkic tribes, also used by far right groups.

  7. So it’s bad to be nationalist now ? He plays for a NATIONAL TEAM .

    Jesus Christ these polical corectness bots are ridiculous.

  8. The Grey Wolves terrorist organization encompasses Turkish nationalism and simultaneously includes radical Islamist groups. The Grey Wolves are known for their historical massacres of Christians and small groups such as Alevis. Merih did not make this gesture unintentionally. He did it precisely on the anniversary of the massacre against the Alevis


    The Turkish national team has become a showcase for the promotion of radical terrorist organizations. Many radical Islamist Turks are taking strength from Merih’s gesture and are calling for the death of minorities in Turkey. Recently, there was a mass attack on Syrian civilians, and calls for pogroms are still ongoing

  9. thats the problem of europe and germany. obiously a racist can do this shit and nobody cares

  10. I am german and my teacher used that on me to keep me quit, was called the “quietfox” well with that new information in mind, damn what if we had turkish kids in our class who understood it wrong

  11. everyone knows what it stands for except us, please europeans, educate us with your limitless knowledge and unquestionable morals👏🏻

  12. No politics. Celtic were fined 30k for their fans ha ING Palestinian flags at a CL game.

  13. ‘Turkish nationalism’

    Is like calling a hitler salute ‘prussian nationalism’

    The wolves are a terrorist group. Thats it.

  14. Should be sent home and both him and his football federation fined. And demanded public appologies!

  15. It is totally meaningless and incredibly unlawful to do an investigation.

  16. Let me explain this a bit for someone who still has some lacks of knowledge here and there.

    So, the “**bozkurt**” gesture, symbolises a gray wolf which is the national animal of Turkey and represents the very old Turkic symbolism and mythology. It is a very old gesture that has been used for 1500 years, however the usage of it increased in the second half of the 20th century, and even the late 20th century. It has been used prominently by the right and far right in Turkey to show nationalism and patriotism. It has been most prominently used by **MHP** (Nationalist Movement Party) and ideologically similar parties and organisations. In these organisations, the most prominent one is the **Ülkü Ocakları (the Grey Wolves)** which is the youth organization of MHP and focused on education and paramilitaristic branches.

    MHP has always been accused of being **neofascism**, and at first the party itself with its leader Alparslan Türkeş focused in controling the fascistic tendencies inside the party by removing anybody who was deemed to be a fascist. While mostly secular, religious synthesism also started around when Türkeş was the leader of the party. However, organisations like the Grey Wolves, which don’t forget have a paramilitary wing, were less “strict” in trying to contain fascistic tendencies or at least were more independent than the MHP.

    So, now that we know the keywords and names, let us see the differences of how the bozkurt developed in Turkey and outside of Turkey.

    In Turkey, the whole package was avaliable. While the Grey Wolves were responsible in many assasinations of over 600 people (many leftists), MHP itself was able to stay in **mainstream** because they might have been far right but at least officially and in the party there were no fascists. So, when the bozkurt gesture was used by the party, it was slowly absorbed to society as a whole. The ill meanings were and are still there, however nowadays it can be used show patriotism for their country. However, the right still uses it way more. Many people still don’t like the gesture but if somebody uses it, it is understood that if not on stage or in a rally, it probably was meant to show pride rather than political ideology.

    In Europe, however, things change. MHP is not present in Europe but there are a lot organisations like branches of the Grey Wolves in mostly Germany. Even in Europe the militant groups were active. One of their more famous incidents outside of Turkey is the shooting of Pope John Paul II (the shooter was probably not assigned to do this by anybody but at least you can understand the ideology). So, in short, Europe knows the Grey Wolves, and so the bozkurt gesture, as far right and fascist symbols because they were never able to be mainstream in the European society. Also, the infamous burning of Madımak Hotel in Turkey, which is separate from MHP, but still had bozkurt gestures seen throughout the chaos, affirmed Europe that the bozkurt was a fascist symbol. Because the only time Europe sees the gesture in national media, it is when incidents happen.

    **To summarise**, in Turkey, it is basically usually a right associated gesture that not all (usually not the left) use but has more than ideological meanings which is used to show national pride. In Europe, it is associated with fascism and terrorism that is a symbol of fascism. That is why there are sides in this debate, which probably be done in a couple of days.

    If you ask me, should this gesture have been done, I would say no. Why? It might be used to show pride in Turkey, but you are not in Turkey. It wouldn’t have been a problem if there was no association between this gesture and Europe, but there is. So, I think, at least in the minimum, this was rather inpolite to the country you were allowed to compete in.

    Sorry if this was too long. Anybody else that want to add something, can just go on.

  17. Typical Frankenstein act by hypocrites. From 1960s to early 2000s, NATO and the US (CIA) supported Grey Wolves in Turkey to ensure that Turkey remained a Western ally against the Soviet threat and their leftist alignes in Turkey. The left and social democratic groups in Turkey were completely destroyed by these terrorist/mafia scoundrels with the support of US and its Western allies in 1980. Now you are cursing the monster you created, just like in Afghanistan, Iraq and Israel. You caused this trouble to us.

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