Russian soldier appears to be miraculously healed by Ukrainian drone

Russian soldier appears to be miraculously healed by Ukrainian drone

by jesterboyd

  1. I’ve seen a lot of spinals dude. And this guys a fake. A fucking goldbricker.

  2. What a terrible drop. Why do they drop it from so high up when it’s that windy?

  3. That’s faith healing right there. In order not to see his God his legs magically work again

  4. Am I the only one who thought for a few seconds that this video was taken on the moon?

  5. There’s just something so funny about him literally running faster than the people sent to carry them.

  6. Holy fuck dude turned in to the flash. Bet the people carrying him were pissed if they survived after this. Id wanna kill this fucker if he put my life at risk like this and was faking.

  7. maybe they were doing a drill? It’s highly unlikely on the battlefield, but that’s the most rational explanation i can come up with.

  8. They mobilizing athletes from the Russian Special Olympics nowadays or what?

  9. Healed? He looks like he got a shot of adrenaline too lol he’s faster than his exhausted comrades

  10. Dude got up faster than an “injured” Portuguese football player after a free-kick was awarded.

  11. The extent of the Olynpic sprinter’s injuries were greatly exaggerated.

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