Selenskyj fordert Trump auf, seinen Plan zur Beendigung des russischen Krieges offenzulegen

Selenskyj fordert Trump auf, seinen Plan zur Beendigung des russischen Krieges offenzulegen

  1. Zelensky, don’t hold your breath.

    Still waiting on the big 2016 reveal of Trump’s new healthcare plan…

    and in this case, if Putin hasn’t handed trump the plan yet, trump can’t reveal it

  2. “Give Russia everything they want and apologize for not doing so sooner. That will end the war”

    -Trump, most likely

  3. Very simple!! Trump is going to stop all military and other aid to Ukraine. Then he will withdraw from NATO. After this, for Ukraine to survive (for a brief period of time) Ukraine will give up land for peace and agree not to join NATO. Russia will rebuild its economy and military and then invade again until it takes all of Ukraine.

  4. “Withdraw all support for Ukraine, so that Putin gets what he wants and doesn’t release my pee tapes.” That’s your fuckin’ plan.

  5. Trump says he’ll have the plan in two weeks just like the “better” health insurance plan he promised and never delivered.

  6. He will hand U.S. intelligence to Putin, cut all funding to Ukraine, and pull the U.S. out of NATO. That should wrap the war up pretty quick.

  7. Zelensky you are such a hero of the times, of course trump doesn’t have a plan he’s all talk

  8. spoiler alert, he either doesn’t have a plan, or it’s unbelievably moronic.

  9. His plan is to let Russia have Ukraine. I think everyone knows that already.

  10. The plan is pretty obvious.. abandon Ukraine and give it to putin. One of countless reasons to VOTE, and keep the orange stain far away from office.

  11. All Zelensky needs to know that it won’t be a plan that favors Ukraine.

  12. Dude. The plan is to make you cede your land to Russia and then proclaim himself a master statesman and take a victory lap.

    It’s fairly obvious.

  13. ” it’s a good plan. A great plan. One of the best plans I’ve ever had. Trust me trust me. This is going to be an amazing plan. Amazing amazing plan”

    – Trump 2024

  14. Just like when Trump made an alternative to Obamacare, there was no plan. It was just crap that congressmen made which ultimately didnt even pass. Trump has no plan in that genius head of his

  15. Trumps plan: drop his pants, bend over and let Putin do whatever Putin wants.

  16. His plan is pulling all support and letting Putin steam roll Ukraine. Was there ever any question of that?

  17. He’ll release it in two weeks, as soon as he releases his health care bill

  18. Trump doesn’t have a plan, he just yaps and yaps.

    Remember the wall that he was going to make Mexico pay for? But instead the funding came from our military budget and the wall never got completed?

    All that dude does is lie. He’s power hungry and wants to be like Putin and Kim.

    He’s a fraud and a convicted felon for being fraudulent and not allowed to do business in his own home state.

    I can’t believe anyone with half a brain regardless of left/right would want that guy in charge

  19. Right after he reveals the “beautiful” health care plan he promised over 8 years ago, and has yet to unveil.

  20. Oh, I’ve got a pretty good idea that any plan Trump comes up with to end the war in Ukraine will result in the total annexation of Ukraine by Russia.

  21. Did man already forget that Trump withheld aid unless he gave “dirt” on Biden?

    Zelensky expects Trump to assist Ukraine?

  22. We know his plan: Do whatever he possibly can to aid Russia. No sarcasm. I’m not joking.

  23. Wait don’t tell me, let me guess… Trump’s plan is to stop sending weapons to Ukraine, pull the US out of NATO, and start sending money and weapons to Russia.

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