Wounded Russian soldier begs drone operator for mercy

Wounded Russian soldier begs drone operator for mercy

by iivankin1

  1. This blurs some ethical lines. He is unarmed, he begged. But the problem is…if the drone flies away, this guy survives. Even if he is wounded, the russians will make him fight again.

    But, Sadly, shooting an unarmed man pleading for mercy is cold AF, and probably could be considered a war crime…

    It is the same as standing over someone with a rifle and begging for their live, you shoot them.

  2. 65th brigade describes that he was storming Ukrainian positions in Robotyne, got hit and started begging for mercy

  3. It was explained elsewhere, this incident took place in an area in the South… Where this guy’s surrender and capture was not possible….. Should Ukraine just spare him, so he can continue to fight them?… I think, NO.

  4. For everyone screaming “warcrime!”, if they find out this works and gets the drones to leave them alone, expect it to be standard behavior from them everytime a drone flies over, then they pick up their rifles and keep shooting once it passes. There is no way Ukraine can let them go on about their day just because they didn’t want to be killed at that moment by that drone. 

     Just like playing dead worked for the first few, they passed the word about it, now they train using that technique, and now every single one tries it to sneak past drones.

     Use your brains. This is not a warcrime.

      No white flag is being waved, no asking to be a pow, just begging not to get chunked, while still geared up to kill.

  5. People (civilians) killed in today’s Dnipro city center strike did not have an option to “beg for mercy”.

    And even if they did… well, I’m actually curious what the Tu-22 operator would say?

  6. Look upon my field where i grow my mercy’s… As you can see it is baren… I have no more mercy’s to give

  7. Discussing whether it is a war crime is completely irrelevant. This person could be the very last thing humanity has to offer or a deported Ukrainian civilian who had already chosen the surrender hotline since his capture. Who knows whether he will surrender and join Ukraine or murder and rape if he is allowed to live.

    The unfortunate thing is that a Ukrainian drone pilot is not given the opportunity to address these moral concerns, instead he has to kill out of pragmatism.

    that is why war itself is a crime.

  8. I am not sure finishing these injured soldiers makes sense. Morale/logistic drain + these might be a war crime.

  9. It would be a war crime if he was walking with his hands over his head towards Ukrainian positions. Maybe. I’m no war expert.

  10. He should have thought about that before coming to Ukraine. At least now he doesn’t need to think at all

  11. There can be no mercy for invaders. 💥

    Surrender, if you want to live.

  12. The grenade is mercy. He would be bleeding and suffering for days. No help would come for him.

  13. He got mercy. He got an end to his miserable state of being. No more being tormented by Putin’s goons or fire from hell above. He can quietly lay there and feed the earth with whatever nutrients are left in his carcass.

  14. This is as much mercy as his band of criminal thugs has shown to Ukrainian civilians. Fuck em.

  15. I had pity for everyone at the start of this bastard war for everyone who was hurt or killed. Now it’s purely for Ukrainians who are trying to live a normal life while being slaughtered

  16. Request denied; here are thousands of white-hot pieces of metal moving many times faster than the speed of sound instead

  17. Felt like a warrior when singing in, begged like a baby when signing out.

  18. I would have a problem dropping on a wounded guy. But then again I haven’t had anybody I know killed by the Russians.

  19. Aww yes nothing like ignoring Geneva Convention rules of combat when you’re solely dependent on the West funding your war.

  20. Cuz couldn’t even properly hit him while he isn’t moving 😂
    Maybe he wanted to make him suffer even more 🤷🏻‍♂️

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