French poll: how racist are you? Personally you would say that you are “fairly racist” (red), “a bit racist” (yellow), “not too racist”(dark blue) or “not racist at all” (light blue) sorted by party

French poll: how racist are you? Personally you would say that you are “fairly racist” (red), “a bit racist” (yellow), “not too racist”(dark blue) or “not racist at all” (light blue) sorted by party

by Woodstovia

  1. plus bear in mind that most people lie to look good in polls, so its probably more than that.

  2. Bear in mind that people’s definition of what being racist means diverges wildly. In my experience in both extremes, communist party, LFI and Rassemblement National or Reconquete you are likely to find large proportions of racists or antisemites. Something LFI supporters will deny with the utmost vigour though.

  3. Those self-reported questions don’t make a lot of sense. For example, If I would be racist, I would have selected “not too racist”? Why? Because in a racist’s mind there’s no such thing as being too racist.

  4. I’m honestly kinda impressed by the people picking “eh, I don’t know” for that question.

  5. It reminded me of the clip of black women saying “ACTUALLY black people can’t be racist (especially towards white people)”, very positive energy.

  6. “Oh no! not my nemesis! Stats!”

    *and the people calling socialists and LFI extreme left melt Ark of the Covenant style*


    before calling the left the racists, fascists, IDK, or even more insane… putin supporters. just IDK, look at objective facts.

    Marine Le Pen has mein kampf on her bookshelf. she had to apologize and explain away getting money from putin, they constantly say holocaust denial and antisemitic things (and Islamophobic the only department in which they don’t discriminate ironically is …discrimination) and yet we still have to deal with trolls coming out of the woodwork explaining to us French, who actually live there that no the left are the ones who are culpable of any of the above literally WTF.

    I mean one need only look at this comment section…

  7. Well, this is surprisingly accurate. I would simply add a flat “+10% not-too-racists” to everyone, but otherwise it do reflect actual exchanges with people and also reflects their behavior on the field

  8. That’ll depend on the terms you use.
    For me anyone who believe that people with one ethnic background should be allowed less/more then other are racist. But i’m not sure the ones who took a poll take it this way.

  9. UDI(no idea what that party stands for, any french peoplewho can clarify) is quite interesting. No fairly racist but a lot of a bit racist. Debout the same.

    The communists are also interesting.

  10. Did they provide the definition of racist? If not, then it seems like a pointless poll.

  11. Is it racist to want to have ilegal immigrants deported? And illegal immigrants that committed crimes deported

    Or is it racist not giving someone a job because it is from Latam?

  12. It needs to be taken into account the changes in the definition of “raciste” in French in the Larousse dictionnary which now deviate quite a lot from how it is normally understood in English.

    Although the new definitions are controversial, they are starting to pick-up as the accepted way to use the word.

  13. Personally, I am not racist, but the very thought of touching a Black person gives me chills.

  14. I am intrigued if they gave examples to each category, cause everyone is going to make their own classification. One’s light blue can be another’s dark blue and vice versa. Question should also be: “How racist you consider yourself to be?”

  15. Racism is a trait you usually try to ask for indirectly, like with questions of the type of „would it bother you if a person of another nationality would live next to you“.

  16. The biggest surprise there would seem MoDem, in that they seem the very definition of liberal centrists, yet even grade themselves as 50% racist, even if largely “pas très”.

  17. Heeeeey! I’m completely and utterly racist, but the scale starts at “fairly”. This is not very inclusive 🙁

  18. It’s a small mercy but French racists seem more honest than most.

  19. The ones saying they are not racist are usually the worst of ‘m all😉

  20. Can you blame the French for being against uncontrolled immigration?

  21. I imagine the 25% of the *Reconquête!* saying “yeah yeah…I’m something of a racist myself…”

  22. Impressed how honest they are, in Sweden it would be like 99% not racist at all, and a complete lie.

  23. This is the kind shit that divides people. , same one screaming about being inclusive!!

  24. As a Canadian looking at European politics national rally is the best choice for this election Macron is a tyrant and should advocate from being the PM.

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