Baby boomers living on $1,000 a month in Social Security share their retirement experience: ‘I never imagined being in this position.’

Baby boomers living on $1,000 a month in Social Security share their retirement experience: ‘I never imagined being in this position.’

by esporx

  1. I’m a boomer and we were told a long time ago that SS wasn’t meant to be enough to retire on and to invest.

  2. Maybe they should’ve stopped buying so much avocado toast and invested in their future.

  3. I mean you can look at what your payouts will be. If ya don’t save or have a pension that’s what you will be living on. How is this a surprise?

  4. This is why the “FIRE” folks are foolish. Retiring early and expecting your savings to last 40+ yrs is short sighted. Also, the GOP idea of cutting social security is ridiculous because people’s SS checks are not enough to begin with.

  5. Waiting for the flood of comments from the child brigade who blame boomers for hoarding all the wealth to blame boomers for not having wealth.

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