It’s a miracle

Ukraine has the best medicine.

by Usual-Scarcity-4910

  1. I reckon that patient was actually a Russian officer, suffering from a small bruise, getting his slave troops to carry him!

  2. # I’ve seen a lot of spinals dude. And this guys a fake. A fucking goldbricker.

  3. *drone leaves*

    “Guys I think I twisted my ankle, I need to be carried again on the stretcher”

  4. That is truly miraculous. The guy on the stretcher turned out to be in better shape than those 4 carrying him.

  5. If they catch up to him, they’ll beat the crap out of him for making them all a target!

  6. They knew he was faking it all along, everyone wanted an excuse to get out of there.

  7. Having been hit once by a drone, that guy knew what was coming. HELL NO! he surely shrieked, and ran into the darkness like the Devil himself was chasing him, sprinting for all he was worth, adrenaline surging, wounds agape, wide-eyed and filled with terror.

  8. I feel like in situations like this with so much people grouped up. It would be worth it to just crash the drone into them

  9. It just looked like a casevac. In fact, it’s the platoon leader’s preferred mode of transportation.

  10. Saw this on Twitter earlier. Few people suggested that they could’ve pretended to be carrying a wounded soldier, hoping Ukraine wouldn’t target the wounded or medics.

  11. Too bad there was a strong right to left wind…could have gotten six! Funny as hell though. Reminds me of the soccor player who was getting carted off the pitch on a stretcher, then jumped off and ran back onto the pitch to try to score!

  12. I saw one like this last year… While unloading a casualty from back of a pick-up, the casualty jumped up, and passed everyone, lol

  13. That guy was already braking when he passed through Moscow and probable will be able to stop on Russia’s artic frontier…

  14. Must have been their commander. World class sprinter, running from the cannon fodder.. “Run baby Run”

  15. Ahahhaha
    Dude like: thank guys, now i rest enough. And hey, we all better FUCKING RUN NOW. Oh you tired… see ya later. Maybe

  16. How do I save a video? This is the first one from this war I actually wanna show my friends.

  17. I couldn’t stop laughing!!

    Kind of reminds of when a bear is chasing you down .. just make sure you’re running faster than the person beside you.

  18. I wonder what the guy on the stretcher said to them when he turned just before sprinting to safety.

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