Nixon predicted decades ago exactly what is happening today

Nixon predicted decades ago exactly what is happening today

by geekphreak

  1. Nixon has just proved that time traveling exists. How else can he be spot on current world events.

  2. I wonder how this will play to today’s audiences, whose common attitude is that once you cross a certain line that defines you as horrible, nothing you say or do can have any merit whatsoever. Apparently Nixon did have some intelligent thoughts – but of course, saying anything positive about him in today’s world would imply that you think he was a great guy and that you’re 100% on his side and forgive him for Watergate etc. What to do… what to do…

  3. Nixon was an intelligent and knowledgeable man, but really paranoid and bad fit for POTUS. When in office, too eager to bend or break the laws at the time to gain upper hand, and seemingly incapable of letting go of any grievances or slights no matter how small or how long ago.

    The biggest insult is that Nixon was pardoned before any court decision so that now US can elect a man who is neither of the few positive aspects Nixon had.

  4. He was a brilliant mind, regardless of what he did. This short video says it all. Don’t think anyone else had such wisdom to foretell today’s events…

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