Europeanize NATO to save it

Europeanize NATO to save it

by EUstrongerthanUS

  1. We have to federalize our defense forces in the next two decades. This will save a lot of costs coming from the redundancy of almost 30 individual armies and it will create a more coordinated and thus more powerful deterrent.

  2. Well europeanize NATO means much weaker military if US support weakens.

  3. > ~~Europeanize~~ *Europeanise* NATO to save it

    There, step one complete. Now what?

  4. Isn’t a NATO with the US “leading” good for the US armament industry?

  5. Just give all of the Eastern European countries nukes, then there is no need for NATO at all.

  6. You mean like during the Cold War when European countries maintained massive armies? European countries letting their defense slipped and expecting the US to subsidize the defense of the continent all the while dog-wagging to Americans about how morally superior and better Europe is is part the reason why there is a growing anti-NATO sentiment in the US.

  7. Yep, and repair trade relations with China.

    It seems increasingly likely that the US is heading full speed off the flat planet due to its internal instability.

  8. Wow, this account spent all day to post anti-US content? But not hard to find out by their account name lul .

  9. That is what we are doing now but building military capability from low level takes time, we have had usa pay for our defense for so long that alot of cold war capabilties in many countries are gone.

  10. NATO is mutually beneficial for Europe and USA. The US weapon industry benefits financially, we all benefit from the peace that a strong, unified west provides and Europe of course benefits from big brother having our back.

    The only ones really interested in dividing NATO are Russia and China. If we can’t stand together, they will roll us over and do what they want. They are both crazy strong on raw materials. We depend on China for electronics, batteries and a lot of our manufacturing. If we cannot stick together and challenge them, we are fucked and us being ahead in the world (which we are) will be gone in a decade.

    This shit is nothing but Russian propaganda

  11. Does Europeanize mean all European Nato members will reach their 2% obligation that they’ve reneged on for the last 60 years? I wonder if meeting that goal will makeup for the last half dozen decades of not meeting it?

  12. After the last couple of days I don’t have a lot of hope that we can be relied upon. So to my European friends, good luck and I hope we can get our shit together on this side of the pond.

  13. Hi, you are free to make donations to Nato every month, I bet they will accept them. Don’t make me pay more taxes though!

  14. I commented that France and Germany opposed the expansion into former warsaw pact countries

    And europeans or military countered that they did approved it

    Of course, can you refuse the paymaster?

  15. How to make NATO more European? Make massive taxes on military hardware for CO2 emissions, which will be paid to UE institutions

  16. I think it´s a massive geopolitical error from the US, similar to Brexit for the UK. A long term “solution” to a short-term problem. From a European perspective I think it´s a good thing in the long run. It´s the US that is hated in the world, if they want to decouple geopolitically, then Europe is free to do whatever is best for Europe. If the US wants to stand alone, then good luck to them when their enemies will be twice the size of them economically. The only true powerful friend you have is Europe. The US also is struggling to not fall apart from within, which might be its biggest challenge. It´s sad that it´s come to this, because fundamentally the US and Europe are natural allies due to history and shared values. But this culture war has become so toxic and irrational to the point where we´re playing into the hands of our common systemic enemies. The far left and far right are destroying the West. The Woke and MAGA is feeding each other in this downward spiral.

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