Britain will not rejoin EU in my lifetime, says Starmer

Britain will not rejoin EU in my lifetime, says Starmer

by 1DarkStarryNight

  1. So there you have it.

    Starmer’s Labour has abandoned Europe — for good.

    It’s now crystal clear that the only way back into the EU is with independence.

    And only the SNP can deliver it. 🗳️

  2. Remember when folk here claimed that Labour would soften up to being Pro-EU and end the idea of Scottish indie?. lol

  3. Guess who’s not getting my vote either then?

    It’s meaningless anyway…Starmer will change his mind on it as soon as it’s politically convenient to do so and pretend he never said any of this.

  4. Rejoining the EU doesn’t look so appealing when you see that France, Germany, Italy and others are going full Nazi. I wouldn’t want anything to do with them now personally.

  5. Why is this Labours fault? It was the people who abandoned the EU, the downfalls of democracy.

  6. Based on my bags for life that means we will be rejoining next Friday after starmer has a huge hole ripped through him from too much booze and veg inserted in him

  7. Continuity Conservativism. :/

    FFS, not even the single market or customs union – perhaps he should invite ‘Lord’ Boris Johnson or ‘Lord’ Rees-Mogg to join his Cabinet?

  8. A realistic assessment much as I hate Brexit. The EU will never accept Britain back if it keeps its currency and that is non negotiable in the UK

  9. Keir just shut your mouth you’ve effectively already won don’t soil your victory

  10. Starmers labour won’t last 10 years, the lib dems and the left hes tried to repress will overthrow him before he serves his second term.

    Vote labour this time for the future they will become

  11. Taking a step back from party loyalties, my voting intentions and all that:

    I don’t understand why politicians make definitive statements like that. I get he’s trying to make sure he doesn’t lose the leave voters for tomorrow but when it comes to matters like the EU and independence surely the sensible response is something like “I don’t see it as something for the short term but if in the long term we see continuing overwhelming support for it, we’ll revisit it.”

    Seems fair if you believe in democracy.  Setting what constitutes continuing and overwhelming support is difficult but if you have 80% of every poll over say a 3 year period in favour of it, you have to at least think about a referendum surely 

  12. I will never understand why neither of the LibDems or Labour don’t support over-turning Brexit given that 48% of us (at a UK level) didn’t vote for it. I’ve had a trawl through the LibDems manifesto and even they only commit to “**a new comprehensive agreement that removes as many barriers to trade as possible.**” Hardly insipring and certainly not reversing the self-inflicted disaster, which was led my many who now hold EU passports such as Farage and Lawson.

    Brexit has been a car-crash, as was warned, so why not be bold and give the 48% a party to coalesce around?

  13. It’s mad the way the EU is the UKs largest trading partner but that didn’t stop England from voting to leave the EU.

    The rest of the UK is Scotland’s largest trade partner but that apparently does stop you leaving the UK.

    A fairly stark demonstration of the difference in Scottish and English attitudes and character.

  14. The only thing Starmer has going for him is that he isn’t a Tory (except he kind of is).

  15. See if you vote in Labour, you deserve everything bad that follows.

    If you don’t like the SNP, vote Green or someone else that will fight for Scotland, not for England

  16. A way around this is to have a public inquiry into Russian interference in the Brexit referendum. Assuming it reports the truth that Russia was involved and influenced the vote, then there would be no politically safe way to resist a referendum on rejoining. A petition for such an inquiry needs to be made to Parliament as soon as possible.

  17. The only reason the mainstream is getting behind Labour is because they look just like the Tories of a decade ago. They are even saying they will need to keep on with some austerity. Wtf??

  18. From blue labour to red labour and nothing will change. That’s why I’m team reform.

  19. He’s being pessimistic, he’s probably got at least another 40 years left and I can see England joining the EU in about 35 if no-one veto’s.

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