Russia “did not accomplish that much” during break in US funding: Pentagon

Russia “did not accomplish that much” during break in US funding: Pentagon

by MaryADraper

  1. Perhaps not, but what about the number of Ukrainian lives that were lost? Did pentagon consider that?

  2. They kept Ukraine from building up much needed reserves, and now they have a recruitment issue. The issue is less Russia actually winning the war, and more preventing Ukraine from other building the resources needed to really take back land.

  3. Unreal. Tell that to everyone who died waiting for weapons and who lost loved ones. An absolute chickenshit comment from spineless leaders. They can’t go one day without making an embarrassment of the country

  4. Jfc, how many innocent Ukrainian lives were needlessly lost in the meanwhile. What a tone deaf stupid fuckin comment

  5. Except for how many Ukranian’s were needlessly killed because they couldn’t match the artillery shell war without the steady US supply.

  6. The Pentagon asshole who wrote this needs to define “that much”?

    Is a huge breakthrough of the stronghold Avdiivka “that much”? The same breakthough that is threatening H-32 highway that supplies that regions front line?

    The asshole needs to realize that Avdiivka was one of the strongest strongholds that Ukraine had. They dont have those everywhere as one might think. Once a stronghold is breached its very hard to stop the advance until a next advantageous strongold can be reached&created.

    Is 1000s easily preventable deaths “that much” ?

    Ukraine has been fighting with both hands and one leg tied behind their foot this ENTIRE time and these GOP assholes say shit like this. Embarrassing. Considering these same assholes will literally invent a lie (fake WMD) to invade middle east.

  7. I know the Pentagon is trying to put a positive propaganda spin on this, but a lot was lost during the funding break. Ukrainian lives were lost, huge amounts of infrastructure were destroyed, and confidence in the US was badly damaged. Ukraine is strong – very strong – but Ukrainian society is under enormous stress, and every day of delayed aid pushes Ukraine one step closer to capitulation and collapse. We already burned our bridges with Russia; it is supremely dangerous and stupid to feed our Ukrainian allies to the fire. I hope those fucktards in Congress understand that.

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