Export documents signed! Two dozen F-16s will be underway to Ukraine, says Dutch Minister of Defense Ollongren. They can be used everywhere, including Russian territory

Export documents signed! Two dozen F-16s will be underway to Ukraine, says Dutch Minister of Defense Ollongren. They can be used everywhere, including Russian territory

by EUstrongerthanUS

  1. Finally taking the gloves off! Whatever it takes. We need a Europe that leads

  2. Good. The Dutch don’t fuck around as they remember Russia murdered almost 300 people.

  3. πŸ‡³πŸ‡±πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ†πŸ’¦πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί sans lube

  4. One of their ambassadors here slammed us for sending these, so I hope we will purchase and gift some additional AIM-120s and bombs. Slam them into orcs and warm our orange hearts. These Vatniks are nothing but trouble.

  5. Good hunting lads, take good care of our Falcons!
    May every F16 bring you a step closer to victory.

  6. Will they simply fly to Ukraine or will they have to be transported?

    In have no idea how airforce logistics work

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