Most technologically advanced Fritz

Most technologically advanced Fritz

by generalscruff

  1. Explanation: The host was pissed that he has to pay more than 20 cents transactions fee for every fking beer

  2. Restaurant manager here. Depending which cardservice is used the business gets charged by transaction and a fee on top. But most likely it was because it always takes extra time and service staff to get the machine and charge the guest. And when its busy, time and staff are the least you have .

  3. This is clearly the Latvian’s fault for expecting friendliness, service, convenience or similar bullshit in Germany.

  4. According to the host and the Police report, the Latvian tourist paid 6 beers by card the previous day, and then tried to pay 10 beers by card the next one, where the host asked him to pay the final one in cash

    At that point the Latvian tourist was very drunk (Go figure), got enraged and insulted a random waitress as a “bitch”, at which point the host kicked him out.

    That’s where the story should have ended, but the LATVIAN then called the cops to complain

    I guess most journos went with the “Host called police over card payment” because it sounds more interesting and absurd than “Drunk tourist had a r€tard moment”

  5. Most technologically advanced German: *call the police if someone pays by card*

  6. Here i can pay a 1€ coffee at a bar with card and no one ever complained. Hell i can even pay the 0.5€ coffee at the vending machines with the card. Didnt expect germany to be behind us on this.

  7. One thing I hate about living on the continent is fucking table service in Bars.

    I’m an adult, I can carry stuff. Let me go up there, order it and pay for the fucking round.

    Instead, we do the awkward “who’s gonna pay for the 50 drinks we just smashed, on one card and then beg on tikkie” dance. Get bent Europe.

  8. My father was raised in Germany from 4 years on and my mother is German by birth. Without ever having lived in Germany myself, I always make sure to have cash money in my wallet, and most places outside of supermarkets I pay with cash. I just cant shake the habit.

    I even entered that stage in my life where I complain about nobody having cash money anymore. The most annoying instance is if someone paid for me and send me a pay request instead of accepting my money right in front of him.

    My fondness of cash money is probably the only German influence that I inherited.

  9. Happened the same thing to me with a bar not making me pay with card for a couple bottles of water, I didn’t complain, I left and called the Financial Guard. Fuck these assholes.

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