Final YouGov MRP before the election shows Labour winning the largest majority for any single party since 1832

Final YouGov MRP before the election shows Labour winning the largest majority for any single party since 1832

by backupJM

  1. Aw, I heard that the LibDems were going to finish above the tories. Memeful if true.

    But that’s not what this poll shows.

    Guess we’ll find out on Friday then.

  2. The Scotland specific results are:

    – LAB: 32 seats
    – SNP: 18 seats
    – CON: 3 seats
    – LD: 4 seats

    Many of the seats in Scotland are marginal:

    >Scotland is also notably more marginal than England. Thirteen of the 57 seats are tossups – meaning that the winning party’s lead is less than five points. In all these, the SNP are one of the two parties vying for the top spot, with Labour competing in six, the Conservatives three and the Lib Dems in one.

    Sample of 4,993 for Scotland

  3. Looking forward to watching through tomorrow night and early morning for the results. I’m not a Labour supporter, but seeing the faces of the prominent Tories who are going to be handed their P45s is going to be something to treasure.

  4. I hope Jacob Rees-Mogg’s nanny is around to change his nappy when his result comes through.

  5. Together with your other post about why people are voting Labour, and the predictions that Labour will secure less votes than in 2019… and I’m not sure this democracy is the picture of health.

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