What instant coffee would you recommend?

What instant coffee would you recommend?

by tokiisaur

  1. I like Kenco Smooth, honestly. I’m a bit basic 😂 (red Kenco label)

  2. This might sound snobbish but would seriously recommend getting a french press and pre-ground coffee – it doesn’t take too much longer to brew and it’s so much better than instant

  3. Dowe Egberts, 4 strength. One of the nicest, though I’ve been reduced to Nescafé gold at work recently

  4. Don’t get anything by Nescafé (Nestle) literally the most evil company in the world

  5. Azera all the way, nothing else comes close. But only when on a deal. The decaf version tastes more or less the same too, if that’s your thing.

  6. if I had to pick any of those it’d be douwe egberts gold, then kenco smooth. then bin off the rest. fresh coffee is better but if you only need instant then they’re the best of this bunch.

    bonus edit, douwe egberts has the same parent company to the instant coffee I get from sweden called Gevalia. if anyone here gets to try it, go for it. for instant it’s pretty damn good.

  7. You’re in a tesco, honestly their own brand gold roast is good enough.

    Without going full James Hoffman, instant coffee has a low ceiling, so don’t go to expensive.

  8. If you’re having to buy instant, buy in small jars. They go stale so quickly.

  9. Speaking as a half-Javanese guy, I genuinely can’t taste much difference between top-grade luxury stuff that’s been through all the “proper” processes, and Tesco budget own-brand instant decaff. Whatever’s cheapest works for me.

  10. I rate the costa coffee and their hot chocolate is the best i have ever tasted. But they are way cheaper in my local Tesco like 3 quid where the others are 5. I dont even go to Costa lol but it is seriously good

  11. None. Get yourself some coffee bags and you won’t look back. Best tasting coffee for the least amount of effort.

  12. Clipper. Can’t see if it’s there because I’m old and blind but it’s the nicest IMO.

  13. I see the Drink Me Dirty Chai Latte has snuck into the picture. Wouldn’t recommend as an instant coffee, but it’s lovely!

    If ‘instant’ can be loosely categorised as ‘coffee right now requiring zero other implements’ I’d recommend the Kenco Duo range every time but that’s not pictured. From the images, Kenco Millicano.

  14. Another Azera fanboy here. Been on that stuff for years but switched over to decaf. I give it to friends and family without them knowing and they can’t tell the difference.

  15. I’ve tried a number of different brands over the years.

    Am particularly liking “Percol” now.

    They do a number of different blends but their “Colombian” (rated 3) is good during the day. After dinner I use their “Espresso Noir” (rated 6) which is powdered as opposed to granules.

    Not found in all supermarkets though 🙁

  16. Douwe Ebert dark roast or Nescafé Gold intense are my go too. Depends on which is on offer.

  17. Azera, best coffee there is, and finally worked out that putting milk in before the coffee makes it taste so much better!

  18. L”OR intense, 2 teaspoons. Azera is pretty good as well.

    I can’t find anything else that I like.

  19. Azera for sure, always on offer somewhere too at half the price, was the only way I could drink black coffee while getting used to it, now no home made coffee tastes like azera 😅😅

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