Artillery shell lands in the middle of a Russian group

Artillery shell lands in the middle of a Russian group

by howtod2

  1. Instant mass casualty event. Let’s see how well the red rubber tourniquet works.

  2. Did they hear it coming in? Several of them hit the dirt a split second before the explosion.

  3. You can see the dude on the right eat fragmentation from head to toe.

    Welcome to Ukraine, hope you enjoyed your stay.

  4. That last guy definitly took a big chuck if you look at the puff of smoke coming from him

  5. Concussion blasts hurt. It rattles your brain to no end. And that’s not even considering shrapnel

  6. Its a drone, first sec top left something descents to the bottom left. You can see the white dot in the middel 1 micro second before te explosion

  7. Good effect on target. Highly appreciated that the russians act as moving target practice.

  8. That’s a drone, not an ‘artillery shell’, you can clearly see it flying towards the group and exploding

  9. Does an artillery shell fragment upon impact like a grenade? Or is it the force of the impact that’s fatal? Question for those who know.

  10. Ha ha Orkicide love that game real family fun you fire shells and running scum think it’s a Hasbro game 🤔

  11. Literally see the one in the back taking a huge chunk.. then not moving again

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