“There is no one to finish there anymore.” Azov servicemen stopped numerous enemy assaults only with the help of drones and artillery. And all this without leaving the room

“There is no one to finish there anymore.” Azov servicemen stopped numerous enemy assaults only with the help of drones and artillery. And all this without leaving the room

by Igor0976

  1. I’d wager the furor over Azov was a psy-op. Bad patch designs and other trifles do not matter. Lethality matters. Azov is frighteningly lethal.

    How about that.

  2. The longer version of this is posted somewhere yesterday I recall.

    Look at the sophistication of the command post. That is what struck me the most. All types of optics to lay eyes on the enemy.

  3. Looks like drones did all the work (target designation for artillery and direct attacks). I guess not the first time, but still impressive to see

  4. It’s hard to imagine the amount of data the western forces have gained to remodel future wars.

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