Putin’s cronies must pay for war in Ukraine

Putin’s cronies must pay for war in Ukraine

as of right now the majority of our Energy System is destroyed when I was leaving Ukraine last week uh we had electricity at home for 4 hours and the rest of the time there are outages and we are very worried of how we are going to go through the winter now since the invasion of Ukraine uh over two years ago now Britain’s support has been pretty much unwavering but could that change as labor does seem poised do seem poised to come into office the conservative party would like you to think so perhaps last night former prime minister Boris Johnson warned Tory voters thinking of switching to reform to think again they can achieve nothing at this election except to usher in the most left-wing labor government since the war with a huge majority and we must not let it happen don’t let the Putin Easters deliver the Corbin eers Labour’s Former Defense secretary John Hutton has been talking to times radio’s Andrew about what a new government will need to do next the challenge we face is how are we going to respond to an increasingly assertive Russia that is looking to push NATO back is looking to weaken and damage the NATO alliance and of course if we do think about the unthinkable which is well supposing Russia does prevail in the conflict against Ukraine does anyone seriously think that is the end of Putin’s demands that he’s going to make to us of course it isn’t he is going to take strength from that and deploy that strength somewhere else and if we really do want to preserve the peace and security and stability of Europe and our democratic values that does come at the price former labor defense secretary John Hutton on times radio a little earlier well with us in the studio is Kira rudik who’s the leader of the golos party in Ukraine Welcome to our program and welcome to the UK now I don’t want to be too parochial about this but Loosely speaking the gas party would be equivalent to the liberal Democrats that’s correct thank you so much for having me here in the studio and we are the first Liberal Party to ever enter Ukrainian Parliament um right now uh we are not worried that there would be uh a difference in supporting Ukraine for two reasons the first one is that we strongly believe that it is not a will of certain politicians to support Ukraine and to support freedom and democracy but rather a will of people people and I can say that that coming to the UK um I just feel that from from various people that they are standing with Ukraine supporting us um people on the street saying hey I I’ve seen you um how’s Ukraine doing you know guys you have to win but there’s always a concern on um where the global situations going we are facing the changes in the European Union and potentially in the United States at the end of the year and you know we have always looked at Britain as of one of our strongest allies not only in the amount of the support that we are receiving but also in this matter of becoming a champion of a decision because this is what the world is lacking right now somebody stepping up and saying okay we’re going to do that and we have seen yeah we have seen that story that once somebody does that the rest would follow at in in getting us ammunition and getting us um wide range of weapons then fighter jets and somebody needs to step up and we have seen Britain stepping up a couple of times and you really don’t believe that there will be any difference in the level of British support should the labor party win the election I want to hope so and I will be working very hard to persuade that there would and should not be any change have you already had meetings with Labor uh yes absolutely and there has been visits to KF by the representatives who assured us of course that the support would remain the same and will be strengthened in some ways once again we are fighting to make sure that we wouldn’t wake up in a different world where the authoritarian regime can do whatever they want commit all kinds of the war crimes and they just get away with that it’s just wrong and we need to make sure that no matter what differences we have as countries as politicians there is something that is similar this is mutual which is our values and values of freedom and democracy Now the are many listeners to times radio who are huge supporters of Ukraine and its people and indeed their their struggle against Russia and the invasion but I wonder if you could tell us a bit more about the conversations you’ve had with with labor and indeed about some of the individuals who have you met from what could be the incoming labor Administration I think um before the elections I I’m not supposed to disclose that but I can tell you again that uh we we realize that the support for Ukraine will remain the same and we have got the confirmation for that and we really hope that once there would be a new government that they will keep this promise it’s very important uh and uh because every time I go back I’m speaking to Ukrainian soldiers this is the question that they’re asking like what what did they tell you whom did they did you meet and like what was the feeling and I want to bring this feeling of that it’s good that there is a democracy and elections but the support Remains the Same I think there is one point that particularly is very important it’s a matter of the spendings because there were concerns of uh cost of living crisis here in the United Kingdom and I think there is a solution to that what is it using Russian money instead of money of UK taxpayers uh as of right now Democratic countries hold up to 500 billion US dollars of Russian money that are sanctioned and that are frozen and recently there was a G7 decision on using the percentage of those money and they use this hold amount as a down payment for the um loan to Ukraine and it’s amazing but it’s a halfway step and we need to go forward and make sure that it’s not good people who are supporting us and by the way thank you so so much for your support it means a lot to us really means a lot but not using money of those people but making sure that we make Putin pay for the war make Putin pay for the rebuild yeah you know I think uh I don’t want to to um interrupt but it’s important to emphasize I think that to be blunt about it Ukraine is not winning the war is it things are really tough they are they are you’re absolutely right you know as of right now the majority of our Energy System is destroyed when I was leaving Ukraine last week uh we had electricity at home for 4 hours and the rest of the time there are outages and we are very worried of how we are going to go through the winter and it is incredibly hard because you know that there is not a fast solution for building like a um energy create developing plans really quickly right so we know that it will be tough but there is one thing that I have seen from our people is they still have it this thing in themselves to fight and um I have never heard anyone saying oh we should give up and I think this is very important so I I wonder how much talk there is on the ground in Ukraine about Donald Trump winning the American president presidential election what are people saying there is a concern so the main question is rather uh does he really mean what he saying because we’ve heard him saying many things over the years right and right now when he is promising to uh like to have some peace talks the main question that we have and we have always had is like who or what in the whole world can make sure that Putin will keep his part of the bargain whatever the agreement is with him and we have seen him constantly breaking all the words that he was given and all the deals that we’ve had before so before that is done like even any potential deal it will be useless because it will be meaningless and I think it’s very important for the politicians to remember and by the way about Donald Trump president zalinski invited him over to Ukraine to see because I know that it’s very easy to comment when you never witnessed what have happened and he hasn’t been to Ukraine no he hasn’t and I think before that he he he cannot be making those statements before he came in and he have seen what Russia has done to our country to our people okay rudic thank you very much for spending some time with us today Kira is the leader of Ukraine’s goloff party

The G7 use of frozen Russian assets was a “halfway step” says Leader of Ukraine’s Holos Party Kira Rudik, “make Putin pay for the war.”

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  1. But it can't be. Everyone says Ukraine is winning. 😂😂😂😂😂. Idiots the lot of you. Can anyone show were Ukraine is winning. Comon, show the evidence. We're is it. There is none. 😂😂😂😂

  2. One day the Ukrainians will wake up to the fact that they have been used by the USA and it's western vassals to provoke Russia. It is a nice policy and "value for money" as so many Americans have told us (because Americans aren't doing the dying!) It is poor Ukrainians that are dying in industrial quantities and their country being dessimated. And it could have been so different if the Minsk agreements had been implemented and overseen by the West (as promised), or the Istanbul peace agreement signed, not derailed by the West, or indeed the democratic government of Ukraine had not been overthrown by the USA in 2014. But hey, Putin is the bad guy, that's the narrative. One thing is for sure.: Russia will achieve all its objectives in Ukraine and the longer it takes for the West to negotiate, the worse the terms will be.

  3. Finally, the word and narrative that Putin and Russia have to pay is how we will turn the tide and have them understand that there will be consequences for the aggression and war crimes…!

  4. Even without understanding the causes of the war in Ukraine, the Biden administration supports Zelenskyi's unconstitutional regime.
    – Zelenskyi's regime wants to pass lies off as the truth, unleashing a world war.
    Tell the truth!!!
    On February 22, 2014, a coup d'état took place in the state of Ukraine, a coup d'état was carried out by the Parliament of Ukraine under the leadership of Turchynov, unconstitutionally removing President Yanukovych and usurping power, ignoring the entire Chapter V, Articles 102-112 of the Constitution of Ukraine, which clearly state the legal norms for the president's stay in office. The Kyiv regimes deceived the world community. It is the anti-constitutional Kyiv regimes that are the aggressor against the will of that part of the former state of Ukraine, which wanted independence after the coup d'état on February 22, 2014.

  5. Russia will COLLAPSE as Time is Not on PUTINs Side RUSSIAN GDP GROWING …. SMOKE & MIRRORS Russian GDP is Up as Putin is Spending the Money on Military Equipment which is Turned into Scrap Metal in Ukraine …There is No Profit or Return on this Money and Eventually Putin will Run Out of Cash Reserves . Only UNEDUCATED Russians think that this is Good for the Russian Economy REALITY . Russian ROUBLE has Collapsed and the Cost of Imports is Up Military Sales have Collapsed , Russia Failed to Sign a Single Contract in DUBAI in November 2023 GAZPROM announced that Production has Fallen to 1970 s / USSR Levels Interest Rate at 16 Percent and Inflation Skyrocketing along with Fuel Restrictions Russian Oil Exports Down as a result of OPEC Cuts and a Price Cap of $60. and India No Longer recieving Russian Oil Recent Ukrainian Strikes on Russian Oil Refineries have Affected 19 Percent of Russian Income and most likely will Not get Western Parts to restore Refineries " Everything According to Plan " The Entire World is Laughing at Putin as Russia Collapses ….Again

  6. Have to Laugh at PUTINs Russian Trolls : They make $400. Dollars a Month and All Dream of their Retirement so they can Visit Exotic Locations and Travel the World on their $100. a Month Pensions 😀😀

  7. The Poor RUSSIANS as it must be Embarrassing watching YOUR Supposed 2 nd best Russian Army getting HUMILIATED by the 30 th rated Ukraine using 40 Year Old Western Military Equipment Prigozhin even Stated that The Russian Army was " USELESS " The Entire World is Laughing at the Russian LOSERS as Russia Collapses , Again 😀😀

  8. In June 2014 after the Invasion of Crimea the Russian Ruble was 33 Rubles to 1 US Dollar … Today the Russian Ruble is 91 Rubles to 1 US Dollar Looks like Something Collapsed but it was Not the US Dollar 😀😀 The Russian RUBLE has Collapsed Against All Major Currencies … Some Russian Banks are offering exchange Rates of 200 Rubles to 1 US Dollar " Everything According to Plan

  9. People need to listen to Putin's speech just before he invaded Ukraine. War and sanctions will not stop until the US (and the US run NATO) retreats their insider participation.

  10. But the comedian was saying that they were shooting down 99% of the missiles. How come the majority of your energy system is destroyed? I guess you should focus more on the 1%that is really effective 😂

  11. Why shud putin pay when he warned the west to stop encroaching and threatening russian sovereignty America ,Germany, France, U.k. and other countries that supported america shud bear the cost dont they pumping billions of dollars and weapons to Ukraine and are keeping the war going .

  12. There is no chance of this happening.
    Russia will reconstruct the annexed regions and the West will be responsible for the rest.
    If they steal Russian foreign assets then Russia will retaliate against western interests.

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