Some things are just unforgivable…

Some things are just unforgivable…

by swamperogre2

  1. If there is one person, most European countries have a reason to hate (besides the Austrian painter), it’s probably good ol’ Maggie Thatcher.

  2. I cant forgive britain for sideing with turkey in the crimean war. France you are in here 2.

  3. Most of the things you can never forgive for are not even known here

  4. I agree with all of that apart from ripping up the stadium. That was just a bit of light hearted fun

  5. I love Margaret for: “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.”

    And the orange order for honoring our king Billy for trying to bring good government to the savages.

  6. Me and my 3 siblings grew up in Ireland and Sweden. I was 10-15 years old when I lived there.

    As someone who knows both school systems, school uniform is one of the best inventions of all time. It removes so much worry for kids in so many regards. It makes parents lives 10x easier. It’s orders of magnitudes cheaper. It evens out so many class and wealth issues.

    Cormac the reason you don’t like it is because you don’t know what being a young kid without it is like. Maybe you’ve gone to uni, but at that point things are different.

  7. Don’t blame prime on us lad, That’s gotta be the fault of that insufferable yank with the blonde hair

  8. Um you do realise it was you guys who let the yanks know that you exist. By migrating over there in huge numbers. America wouldn’t be what it is without you guys

    Also, wasn’t Prime made by that Logan Paul prick? Isn’t he American?

  9. I was going to upvote for a funny meme but the yellow disclaimer at the bottom is worse than a ‘/s’. Downvote it is. 

  10. You let the US know you exist by moving 96% of your population there because you ran out of potatoes.

  11. Genuine question, what’s Ireland’s beef with Thatcher?

    It’s before my time, but the Scots, Welsh, Northerners and about half the Midlands hate her, for famous reasons, but what did she do to the Republic? Just being a dick in NI?

  12. Things I can’t forgive you for:

    – writing yellow on white like what the fuck is wrong with you to even think about it let alone do it, look at it and think “yeah, that’s fine. I’ll save this version and share it online with a bunch of strangers, they’ll appreciate my expertise on colour and contrast”

  13. You’re the cunts who went to America just because we ran out of chips. Don’t blame us on that one.

  14. Lansdowne Road was a shit hole, we did you a favour ripping it up so you could build the Aviva

  15. In our defence , you were the idiots who emigrated on mass to America

    Deeply sorry for love island though , it’s genuinely unforgivable

  16. “Fun” fact…

    The Irish Embassy passport office in London – is on Cromwell Road… (SW7).

    That’s some top tier government trolling.

    I can’t possibly imagine the embassy of Ireland were looking for office space and went “Ah yeah, Cromwell Road is the place we want to be”

    They knew… Of course they knew.

    Fecking Brits at it again.

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