Researchers tested people’s carbon competence. Everyone failed. | The findings suggest people don’t have the background knowledge to accurately judge the effectiveness of climate actions.

Researchers tested people’s carbon competence. Everyone failed. | The findings suggest people don’t have the background knowledge to accurately judge the effectiveness of climate actions.

Researchers designed a test of “carbon competence.” Pretty much everyone failed.

by silence7

  1. I’m honestly surprised that cutting meat consumption by 50% ranked lower on the list. The meat industry is a substantial greenhouse gas emitter. This study only seems to consider CO2 rather than the total sum of greenhouse gases. Gases such as methane are less in actual emission amount but far more potent and devastating than CO2. So, in that respect, I would say that the survey is a little flawed. Even so, their conclusions aren’t wrong. We need far more education and awareness!

  2. >The researchers found evidence that people tend to judge climate actions they hear about most often as being the most effective at reducing emissions

    Which is at least reasonable for the layperson, in the “why are you making such a big deal about X if it’s not going to make a difference?” sense.

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