NI Election 2024

If you don't go out and vote tomorrow don't be complaining for the next five years about who got in!

by rjr11967

  1. I’m convinced all the people who make lengthy supercilious posts about how they _just don’t believe in voting because it won’t make a difference_ actually just couldn’t be arsed walking to their local polling station

  2. For local elections, sure. But for national elections I don’t really begrudge people having that feeling. We only have 18 seats out of 650, and none of them have candidates standing for the other 632 seats. And most of what affects our day to day lives is devolved to local politics.

  3. If there’s even been one place I’ve lived where I feel my vote doesn’t matter, it’s west Belfast.

    SF will win no matter what.

  4. People say it’s just a sectarian head count but if you don’t use your vote, themuns win!

  5. It’s true tho if every eligible person in Northern Ireland voted it wouldn’t make a difference on a national level and a minimal difference locally. Stormont doesn’t have the powers needed to make real change. The only time I voted was Brexit when my vote counted .

  6. Not voting. Not complaining. There are no quality candidates or parties to vote for.

    I continue to focus of creating wealth, building a family and enjoying life.


    Broad strokes, _they’re right._

    Even putting aside Northern Ireland’s nonexisent clout within the UK, and the disdain with which it is treated at Westminster… change is only allowed within highly limited parameters within our so-called ‘democracy.’

    Fair play to them. They’re maybe smarter and more insightful than you, OP.

  8. If you do vote you get another lying twat. It’s the same rhetoric on the signs. I’ll vote anyway but only because it’s not far away

  9. It’s the people who vote complain about about this as they know in their hearts voting here is a total waste of their time.

    We are in the mess we are because of the idiots that continue to vote for the same fk ups over and over.

    Don’t vote it only encourages them

  10. Mad to think the amount of men and women who died so that every adult could have the right to vote , absolute shame

  11. This is why in Australia voting is compulsory just like paying taxes. It was also the reason why we made voting compulsory because apathy is an anathema to a proper democracy. The distinction is it is compulsory to attend a voting booth and make a vote, but there is no compulsion as to whom you vote for. This is why we get 90% turnout.

  12. I live in a constituency that had a 40% majority last general election so I sort of get it. Still going to vote though. The biggest ally the 2 main parties have is voter apathy.

  13. Clearly dis-information considering the voter turnout in UK WM elections for the last 100 years has [been well above 50%](

    Unless the group that voted on the right are all mini people, the graphic would suggest that 60% of the population dont vote which isnt true at all.

    Perhaps we should look at the people we actually vote in instead. Considering we have had the same 2 parties in power now for 20+ years!

  14. a single vote won’t make a difference and i dont control how anyone else votes

  15. Case 1: I don’t go out and vote

    Result: I will complain regardless of who gets in

    Case 2: I go out and vote

    Result: I will complain regardless of who gets and will complain about me voting being a waste of my time.

    Conclusion: I don’t go out and vote.

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