Moray West wind farm connected to grid for the first time

Moray West wind farm connected to grid for the first time

by abz_eng

1 comment
  1. > Getting the installation contractors in place follows years of planning and design, as well as securing a guaranteed floor price through an auction process run by the energy regulator Ofgem, and then winning a consent to link into the national power grid.
    > That grid is constrained by a lack of capacity to get power from the north of Scotland to the central belt and then on to England’s cities and beyond. Only when there is enough cable capacity, on seabed cables and carried by very high new pylons, does the investment in offshore turbines make financial sense.
    > Developers want to see those who control the grid – SSE, Scottish Power and National Grid plc – win the planning battles with nearby communities to install new high-voltage connections.

    This is one of the elephants in the room, we can build plenty of wind power **but** it can take 14 years to get the powerlines in place to move the energy to the central belt

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