Very smart move by Zelenski – skip ahead and talk directly to the GOP base. Give Tucker a trip to Bucha and see the Russian massgraves. He would not have seen that in Moscow or Washington DC. Or an actual subway used by kids as a bomb shelter.. A bit of reality for a change.

Very smart move by Zelenski – skip ahead and talk directly to the GOP base. Give Tucker a trip to Bucha and see the Russian massgraves. He would not have seen that in Moscow or Washington DC. Or an actual subway used by kids as a bomb shelter.. A bit of reality for a change.

by Necessary-Canary3367

  1. This post regards Tucker’s announcement of a planned interview with Zelenski simular to the recent Tucker/Putin interview.

  2. I’m honestly surprised either of them agreed to this. But yeah, hopefully this can solidify support for Ukraine.

  3. The problem is that Tucker is an active party to the conflict: All he does is help Putin wage war. He will not interview Zelensky fairly. He will simply try to make Zelensky and Ukraine look bad

    I hope I’m wrong but I don’t think so

  4. Tucker fucker ain’t gonna portray this in a positive light for Ukraine. Don’t trust him. He’s a fat cow asshole

  5. Expecting anything good to come out of the GOP is a futile hope. They will latch on to any small thing to support their narratives, and outright ignore anything that contradicts them.

  6. Wondering if this had anything to do with Putin taking shots at Tucker during and after the interview.

  7. Tucker will have control of the editing, which means he can leave parts out and piece together the rest to show almost whatever he wants. That is concerning to me. I can edit almost any long video interview to make a competent person look like an idiot or an ass. Zelenskyy should only agree to this if his staff or a trusted 3rd party is also granted full copies and rights to the entire uncut interview including all video, photography, and notes taken at the time.

  8. Perfect, have the Ukrainian Army take him to the front line and leave him there. One of the meat assaults can probably pick him up and give him a ride.

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