First time in Europe

Hello, I am from South Korea and I am planning to travel Germany for a few weeks. I have some questions regarding the trip.

  1. Is it better to book ICE and Deutschland pass in korea beforehand or just buy tickets at those stations?
    While I was trying to buy tickets online from Eurail korea, I was scared I might end up buying the wrong tickets. Does Germany have a good information center that provides English service? If yes, I'd rather buy tickets there. Since I am trying to go from Frankfurt to Bonn, I have to take ICE, some bus with some line on the top, and another bus according to the google map.

  2. What can I do to be more secure?
    I learned that Asian girls get catcalled and harrassed in germany from this sub. I never experienced that my whole life since I only stayed in Asian countries. Should I cover myself more? Or where should I keep my passport and phone?

  3. Is there anything else I should know about?

Thank you! Any advice can be helpful to me.

by Key_Ad8367

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