Trump tariffs would shave at least 1.2% off German GDP by 2028, IW study shows

Trump tariffs would shave at least 1.2% off German GDP by 2028, IW study shows

by cukablayat

  1. Europe has made itself extremely dependent on the US, especially in energy (banning fracking, subsidizing gas heating, phasing out nuclear) and military (nuclear weapons, cluster weapons, limited European cooperation).

    Things have improved since 2022, but the decades before that were truly horrible regarding European national security.

  2. USA started the process of becoming more isolated since covid, they actively worked towards it under Biden and Ukraine war combined with chinese tensions is fast forwarding it. No matter who comes to power in US, in the next 10 years this will happen. They have cheap labor; cheap land and they are reindustrializing. Idk why EU became this much dependent on a single economy for its growth. Time to adapt to a new era, if anyone can its Germany. Regional integration will be the key for the next few decades, we are already seeing it around the world.

  3. Germany and other EU countries really can’t complain about the US economy becoming more unfriendly. Every other week, you read about some American company being sued by an EU entity (NVIDIA in France). European countries are doing everything possible to hassle American companies, and now USA will do that as well.

  4. Good. Time to decouple from usa politically militarily economicaly and culturally. We are our own thing and do not need usa in any way (well… in digital tech we kind of do for now and I mean a long while)

    This does not mean we need to bend to russia or china or brics. The eu has the second biggest economy, we are no pushover for anyone

    EDIT: Of course this would imyply a unified EU, which is Macron’s project. Unlike Lepen’s project that would be a broken/loosened EU. Before trolls call me russki

  5. A major US recession would follow, screwing every single American royally, Maga asshole or not!

  6. yep, shits fucked for us. We are already in a recession, another percent will be catastrophic.

    Which is why we need to onshore as much as possible, cut back on unnecessary spending. Germany can no longer afford to be a net contributor to EU, no more funding other peoples luxury shit. Coal is the only energy we actually have access to massive domestic deposits, so we should probably restart that as well for cheap energy.

    Or EU allies help us for once, but so far it seems they would rather see Germany become an agrarian third world country than give even a measly trillion in economic bailout.

  7. I’m so happy that ze jermans get phkt. Deutsche bank gave trump money that was backed by ruski when no one wanted to hear about him. Karma is a bitch

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