POV: you are a naive Scandinavian woman flying to a PIGS country

POV: you are a naive Scandinavian woman flying to a PIGS country

by alfd96

  1. Well if the front is as deliberate as the back no wonder people will notice

  2. You know, she could just put on a bit of clothes and put down the camera.

    Not telling women what to wear but… on an airplane?

    Besides, I can tell from the back she’s a Brit with her hair like that. Guaranteed she face caked full of make-up. She has that Alisha Lehmann look.

  3. Always a double passport conosureño, my guess is allways right

    Least self conscious people on planet earth

  4. Her video is clearly made to attract attention. I’m sure other dudes, regardless of nationality or ethnicity, would react similarly

  5. I’m Spaniard, I’m going to get a flight to Copenhagen this August, and from my experience I think the plane is going to look very similar.

  6. Tbf only see the one guy looking creepily. Most aren’t looking, and the ones who are just glance normally

  7. Taking a look at a woman dressed as an attention whore : Inappropriate .

    Filming people in public and putting them on the internet without their consent to push the narrative that men are creeps , all while monetizing  your shitty Tiktok/Instagram content : Totally appropriate!

  8. Don’t blame OP for misusing POV. Their education system just doesn’t teach them English well enough

  9. So you walk through a plane, full of men, with most probably you camel toe hanging out, and you are surprised they take a look?

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