Japan erklärt seine Bemühungen, die Verwendung von Disketten durch die Regierung zu beenden, für erfolgreich

Japan erklärt seine Bemühungen, die Verwendung von Disketten durch die Regierung zu beenden, für erfolgreich


  1. So unserious…

    *”We have won the war on floppy disks on June 28!” Digital Minister Taro Kono, who has been vocal about wiping out fax machines and other analogue technology in government, told Reuters in a statement on Wednesday.*

  2. “We have won the war on floppy disks on June 28!” Digital Minister Taro Kono, who has been vocal about wiping out fax machines and other analogue technology in government. “Soon we shall crush dot matrix printers!” “The vermin cathode ray tube TVs will be exterminated!” “Nothing can stand in our way!”

    Japan needs to chill.

  3. They are still all over the place in the US. Old cnc machines just chugging along.

  4. Japan is strange. On one hand they’re still using paper in banking lol but I got my money on them they’re gonna make the first Gundam lol

  5. I was born in 1995 and recalled in the early 2000s that you needed a big stack of them (3.5′, 1.44MB) to install a single program. Nowadays, a 1TB SSD is smaller in physical size than a floppy disk, but is able to store some 728, 177 times more data.

  6. The most futuristic 80s country in the world, pretty soon Japan announces end to the Fax machine and Dial up Internet

  7. As a kid 35 years ago Japan used to represent the cutting edge of technology.. Aren’t they still stuck using fax machines?

  8. We’ve done it. My fellow countrymen/women …. it took us four *long*, *hard* and tough decades …. but we have done it.

    This will be our finest moment in the history books! For the first time ever, we have *beaten* are *floppies* and prevailed, making *hard* logic reign supreme.

    To the victor goes the spoils! *Rise* and say no more to our decrepit *floppies*.

  9. “Effective immediately we will be replacing all floppy disks with this new Zip drive technology!”

  10. Five and half inch floppy discs… or three and a quarter inch floppy discs, though?

  11. I love that they chose a photo of Taro Kono–who has served as Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of Defense–for this article. He’s like the human equivalent of a floppy disk.

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