Turkyie should be Western Europes expansion pack

Turkyie should be Western Europes expansion pack

by TheBlackMessenger

  1. They know that they will get a free Kebab from the Kurds when Turkey looses!

  2. ![img](9xg41cinjcad1)

    Mixed donner with chips, all the salad and plenty of garlic sauce please boss

  3. Christian greeks were a stretch to be included in here now you want to put islamized Greeks that speak Mongolian?

  4. The only way anatolia gets into western europe is by Greek invasion and thuis the return of the byzantine empire

  5. i only have one objection, in the meme we are dancing wit hans. make it accurate, make us dance with italy

  6. I’m sorry, my lord of Kebabs, but the Ottomans DLC is far down the line. Before it, there is :

    -The Shadows of Yugoslavia

    -The Christians of the Caucasus

    -The Great Colonies

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