Singapur ist bereit, einen palästinensischen Staat mit einer handlungsfähigen Regierung anzuerkennen, die das Existenzrecht Israels akzeptiert.

Singapur ist bereit, einen palästinensischen Staat mit einer handlungsfähigen Regierung anzuerkennen, die das Existenzrecht Israels akzeptiert.

  1.  Singapore is “prepared in principle” to recognise Palestine as a sovereign state if it has an effective government that renounces terrorism and accepts Israel’s right to exist, Minister for Foreign Affairs Vivian Balakrishnan said in parliament on Tuesday (Jul 2).

    He was addressing five questions raised by Members of Parliament about Palestine and Singapore’s aid in reconstruction.

    Dr Balakrishnan noted that, in May this year, Singapore [voted in favour of the resolution]( expressing support for Palestine’s membership in the United Nations after “very careful consideration”.

  2. I feel like you’d be hard pressed to find any government ( outside of the middle east ) that wouldn’t be on board with that plan.

  3. > with an effective govt that accepts Israel’s right to exist

    So never then?

  4. As soon as Palestinians acknowledge the right of Israel to exist and stop firing rockets and doing terror AND Israel stops the settlements, that’s a BIG step in solving most of the issues. Actually, would be mostly there for lasting peace

  5. Every country should have done the same. Otherwise declaring Palestine as a state it is indirectly accepting hamas ideology.

  6. this is a very reasonable take, but any muslim majority country will not even consider this.

  7. Ask a hateful nation to stop a long 60+ years hating Isreal in exchange of recognition will not going nowhere.

    Singapore is a literal nobody in this matter.

    Pressure need comes from every muslim nation to force Palestine and Hamas to stop this stupid war in exchange of international recognition.

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