Zelensky reportedly considering dismissing PM Shmyhal

Zelensky reportedly considering dismissing PM Shmyhal

by KitchenBanger

  1. Waiting for more doom and gloom peddling from RuZbots, trolls, infiltrators and useful idiots.

    Ukraine is far from perfect, it has a long way to go, but Ukrainians are trying their best under the worst circumstances, in case nobody paid attention.

    Zelensky is not perfect either, he will make mistakes, he will try to fix them, replacing people with those who can do a better job, is one way of fixing things.

    The only way to do better, is to replace the government, general staffs and leaders in various sectors with the best of the best from around the world, but that is a magical dream, no country has this option. So we settle with the next best option, recruit more capable patriots into UKR’s leadership role, merit over politic.

    If anyone thinks this is impossible, then you are basically saying Ukraine has no capable patriots left, do you want to give up and beg PutinZ for mercy? Is this what you want? Is this what your children deserve?

    Pessimism and cynicism are useless, it’s like slapping yourself while your enemy is punching you, it helps no one.

    Take actions if you can, support those who can do more if you are too weak to do it yourself.

    PutinZ would be delighted if you give up, don’t give him that satisfaction.

    Ukraine went from the poorest and most corrupt in Europe, to fighting RuZZia to a near standstill for over 2 years, making a lot of progress in a short timeframe, something very few countries can achieve, so give it some credit, ok?

  2. Sometimes high profile people ask to be dismissed so they don’t look like they are quitting. Also, Zelenskyy has dismissed several high profile people then re-hired them in a different role ( i.e. Gen. Zaluzny}.

  3. I really like Shmyhal. I know people read the headlines and think “omg he’s getting fired” but remember, government shakeups are a good thing and needed for the sake of progress. You want fresh new ideas.

  4. Russian when Putin dismisses dozens of generals and replaces countless officers and politicians: It’s all part of the plan!

    Russians when Zelensky dismisses one person: UKRAINE IS CRUMBLING AND COLLAPSING GUYS WE’LL WIN THIS YEAR

  5. >In January 2024, Ukraine’s National Agency on Corruption Prevention accused Shmyhal of exposing the identity of a whistleblower who had reported wrongdoing; if found guilty, he will face a fine and be deprived of the right to hold certain positions for one year, followed by him being included in the Unified State Register of persons who have committed corrupt or corruption-related offenses

    Perhaps it’s related to this?

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