Russia is ordering its soldiers to kill Ukrainian prisoners of war – why?

Russia is ordering its soldiers to kill Ukrainian prisoners of war – why?

by Barch3

  1. I guess the target audience of this article are people unfamiliar with RU’s treatment of POWs? Because for UA-RU war readers this is like saying water makes things wet.

  2. Simple logistics.

    It costs money to feed pows. Russian economy is tanking. .

    Worse, takes many bodies as guards, when Russia is undergoing a 1,000 person / month drain.

    Possibly catastrophic, both the guards and the pows speak fluent Russian. The pows can speak about real events, piercing the propaganda wall. The pows are a political danger.

  3. Why?!! Because a psycho-killer runs the country of Russia, because he sees his end coming closer and closer, because he never appreciated or valued human life whether Russian or otherwise, because his barbarian instincts have come alive and he wants nothing but death around him

  4. I’ll confess I’ve always been surprised by the prisoner swaps. In simple terms 1000 prisoners is worth way more to Ukraine which ultimately has a finite number of citizens it can throw at this war. Russia’s number is way higher and they don’t value any life or any law. It suits them to kill the prisoners.

  5. They already rape and torture each other as a regular part of hierarchical posturing and conditioning in the military academies, so them treating POWs like shit shouldn’t be a surprise, especially considering this has been the Russian/Soviet military MO for hundreds of years already.

  6. Russia’s only chance is via Pyrrhic victory in the territory it’s claimed. Having so much larger a population to conscript from, means their leadership cares less for human life. If Russia is losing 5 soldiers for every Ukrainian soldier, it makes less sense to exchange pows which is why it’s happened less frequently as the war’s gone on.

    However, the brutality Russia’s shown will only back fire. Perfect example in the New Guinea campaign WW2, the Japanese fought like lunatics not accepting prisoners and mutilating captives. After seeing this, Australian/Americans fought all the more desperate knowing that surrender wasn’t an option. I imagine the same is already taking place @ all Ukrainian fronts. Slava Ukraine.

  7. Because they aren’t bothering with getting their own POWs back any more. Apart from the whole fascist dictatorship thing.

  8. Simple, dead men tell no tales. If Russia is abusing and torturing POWs and those POWs get released/freed then they will go and tell the world about the abject cruelty of the Russians, if they are dead then they say nothing. Russia knows it’s against the Geneva Conventions, but since nobody has done a single thing to Russia for their repeated violations they don’t give a shit.

  9. Because russia is a fascist regime in it’s final form where the genocide is no longer hidden.

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