Israelischer Angriff tötet hochrangigen Hisbollah-Kommandeur im Südlibanon und löst Vergeltungsraketenbeschuss aus

Israelischer Angriff tötet hochrangigen Hisbollah-Kommandeur im Südlibanon und löst Vergeltungsraketenbeschuss aus

  1. C’mon, Hezbollah, if you keep on attacking Israel with your rockets, it should be obvious that Israel will not take it face down, right?

    And to show your displeasure, you shoot more rockets which is also expected.

  2. This is Israel telling Hezbollah in the politest way possible. “ Please stop doing stupid shit before we utterly wipe you the fuck out “

  3. Whenever Hezbollah fires in response, its a reassurance that Israel just did something right.

  4. Hezbollah wont get 2006 a repeat. Israel has done its homework and they are giving them a taste of the new reality.

  5. Was it Hezbollah #2 that just said they would stop the attacks of there was a ceasefire?

  6. Israel kills hezbollah commander and nobody in the world cares. I wonder why people are okay with israel killing members of hezbollah but not civilians in Gaza.

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