2024 General Election Megathread

Today, the 4th of July, is the UK General Election

Polls are open from 7am – 10pm

If you are unsure where your polling station is, use this website.

If you are registered to vote, please go out and vote. Your vote counts and it matters! Even if you don't agree with any of the local candidates, spoiling your ballot is a valid form of protest and is a better alternative than not voting.

You must bring a valid form of photo ID to be able to vote – Check here to see what's accepted

It is not necessary to show your polling card to be able to vote

If you are unsure on who to vote for you could try this website which will ask you a number of questions and then tell you which party most closely aligns with your values.

Another option is this website which focuses on policies important to you. It will anonymously show you promises of each party in the policy areas you've chosen as important and have you rank which sounds best to you, then give you a rundown of which party(s) would be best for you.

If you would like to vote tactically, this website brings together all the different tactical voting recommendations from different websites (Best for Britain, Stop the Tories, Tactical Vote, etc) in one place.

Happy voting!

by backupJM

  1. So many seats on a knifes edge in Scotland according to the latest yougov polling. SNP could end up with less than half their seats. Make sure your voice is counted.

  2. Well, it’s going to be an interesting day around here.

    Don’t envy the mods today.

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