Die Zahl chinesischer Spionagestützpunkte in Kuba nimmt zu, darunter einer in der Nähe eines US-Marinestützpunkts.

Die Zahl chinesischer Spionagestützpunkte in Kuba nimmt zu, darunter einer in der Nähe eines US-Marinestützpunkts.


  1. Chinese tentacles spreading all over. Xi in bed with Putin, US electorate seriously contemplating electing a Russian stooge. Who would’ve thought?

  2. I mean it is in Cuba. US can always get more spy base much threatening to China in South Korea, Japan and Taiwan

  3. Maybe the US should build a couple of bases on Taiwan, including on Kinmen, to assist the special forces already there 😉

  4. which are the best anti emf frequency stickers for protecting my phone communications from espionage by chinese signit intel gathering facilities in cuba

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