today there are a lot of updates from the Leman Direction here Ukrainian forces recently recaptured significant portions of territory along different vectors on the crina line recent geolocated footage indicates that Ukrainian forces recently regained lost positions east of T and yva one of the hottest areas in this direction as you may recall Russian forces are trying to take control of the settlements to cross the Jets River and have a direct path to attack Lan which plays a key Ro as a logistical and Supply Center for the site that controls it Ukrainian military Observer kastantin maetz recently confirmed that Ukrainian forces Advanced about 1.5 km near T and yolka in a matter of few days when Russian forces decreased the intensity of their attacks geolocated images released by the Ukrainian soldiers operating in the region show fragments of the counter offensive efforts in various trenches near the tney area the footage shows fragment of intense combat fire as well as the high degree of preparation and coordination of efforts carried out by a commander in the front line additional footage shows the destruction by Ukrainian forces of Russian BMP using the Ukrainian atgm stap this and other video show a clear Improvement in the available means and ammunition by Ukrainian forces which is tipping the balance on the Ukrainian side at some specific points of the front line however the main and direct reasons for this sudden Ukrainian success are twofold firstly as much of it’s indicated elements of the Russian 20th and 25th combined arms Army were likely regrouping in preparation for resumed offensive operations near turny andola when Ukrainian forces counterattacked and regained lost positions secondly different Ukrainian sources operating in the linman direction stated that Russian forces are conducting offensive operations in the area exclusively with s sized infantry groups without armored vehicle support as you may recall Russian forces were reported to have lost more than 100 armored vehicles in the first four months of the year in the vicinity of D alone due to continuous and infructuous attacks on this Vector the sources added that these Russian Squad sized infantry groups attack one at a time but that a second Squad sized group will potentially follow behind an initial assault group to help secure captured positions this tactics which lead to a high number of personnel losses are often referred to as Wagner tactics the apparent poor planning by Russian commanders the lack of armored vehicle support for the Infantry and the continued abuse of unsustainable tactics have meant that the ukrainians have been able to take advantage of this period of regrouping to recapture in a few days a significant stretch of territory that has been disputed for months as a result Russian military bloggers recently claimed that the Russian mod dismissed the commander of the 20th combined arms Army Lieutenant General sukra ahmedov claims of his removal are notable as this would be the first removal of an officer actively commanding Russian forces in Ukraine as a part of the most recent round of dism missiles and the favorable news for Ukraine does not stop there Ukrainian sources recently reported that Ukrainian forces made significant advances in two large areas in the Sans Forest Area one a kilometer deep along a 2 km wide front Southwest of crina and the other south of the first one in the vicinity of the donet river this operation was carried out by soldiers of the 12th special purpose Brigade azof and the first operational Brigade BVI of the National Guard several recently released geolocated images show Ukrainian counteroffensive efforts in the cbans forest the first video shows the destruction of a Russian tank and a Russian BMP with what appears to be Ukrainian artill fire a first vehicle escapes a direct hit by a few meters and soon after tries to turn around to flee a few seconds later it is completely demolished by the artillery fire the final images of the video show a second armored vehicle in this case a bmp2 also destroyed a few meters away from the first tank a second video released by Russian sources shows a Ukrainian assault on a Russian position inside the forest Ukrainian soldiers throw several grenades at the Russian position shortly afterwards Russian forces try to defend themselves with an artillery barrage on the initial Ukrainian position all uncensored images can be found on our telegram Channel you will find the link in the description overall the unsustainable tactics of the Russian army are finally beginning to take their toll at specific points on the front line such as in the Lan Direction signs of Russian exhaustion are evident here and Ukrainian forces have been able to seize the opportunity to swiftly regain a wide area that had been disputed for months this is yet another sign that the tables are beginning to turn in the development of the war and Ukraine may be assuming a more active theaterwide stance if you’re against the invasion of Ukraine and you want to support the work that I am doing consider making a purchase in the online store UA supporter here you can find a lot of products with Ukrainian symbols to not only show your support for this channel but also for Ukraine the link to the online store is in the description thank you for watching this report and I will see you in the next one

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Today, there are a lot of updates from the Liman direction.

Here, Ukrainian forces recently recaptured significant portions of territory along different vectors on the Kreminna line. Recent geolocated footage indicates that Ukrainian forces recently regained lost positions east of Terny and Yampolivka, one of the hottest areas in this direction.

As you may recall, Russian forces are trying to take control of these settlements to cross the Zherebets River and have a direct path to attack Liman, which plays a key role as a logistical and supply center for the side that controls it.

Ukrainian military observer Kostyantyn Mashovets recently confirmed that Ukrainian forces advanced about 1.5 kilometers near Terny and Yampolivka in a matter of few days, when Russian forces decreased the intensity of their attacks.

Geolocated images released by the Ukrainian soldiers operating in the region, show fragments of the counteroffensive efforts in various trenches near the Terny area. The footage shows fragments of intense combat fire, as well as the high degree of preparation and coordination of efforts carried out by a commander in the front line. Additional footage shows the destruction by Ukrainian forces of a Russian BMP using the Ukrainian ATGM “Stugna-P”. These and other videos show a clear improvement in the available means and ammunition by Ukrainian forces, which is tipping the balance on the Ukrainian side at some specific points of the front line.

However, the main and direct reasons for this sudden Ukrainian success are twofold. Firstly, as Mashovets indicated, elements of the Russian 20th and 25th Combined Arms Army were likely regrouping in preparation for resumed offensive operations near Terny and Yampolivka when Ukrainian forces counterattacked and regained lost positions.

Secondly, different Ukrainian sources operating in the Lyman direction stated that Russian forces are conducting offensive operations in the area exclusively with squad-sized infantry groups without armored vehicle support. As you may recall, Russian forces were reported to have lost more than a hundred armored vehicles in the first four months of the year in the vicinity of Terny alone due to continuous and infructuous attacks on this vector.

The sources added that these Russian squad-sized infantry groups attack one at a time but that a second squad-sized group will potentially follow behind an initial assault group to help secure captured positions. These tactics, which lead to a high number of personnel losses, are often referred to as “Wagner tactics”.

The apparent poor planning by Russian commanders, the lack of armored vehicle support for the infantry, and the continued abuse of unsustainable tactics have meant that the Ukrainians have been able to take advantage of this period of regrouping to recapture in a few days a significant stretch of territory that has been disputed for months.

As a result, Russian military bloggers recently claimed that the Russian MoD dismissed the commander of the 20th Combined Arms Army, Lieutenant General Sukhrab Akhmedov. Claims of his removal are notable as this would be the first removal of an officer actively commanding Russian forces in Ukraine as a part of the most recent round of dismissals.

And the favorable news for Ukraine does not stop there. Ukrainian sources recently reported that Ukrainian forces made significant advances in two large areas in the Serebryanske forest area, one a kilometer deep along a two-kilometer-wide front, southwest of Kreminna, and the other south of the first one, in the vicinity of the Donets River. This operation was carried out by soldiers of the 12th special purpose brigade “Azov” and the 1st operational brigade “Bureviy” of the National Guard.

Several recently released geolocated images show Ukrainian counter-offensive efforts in the Serebryanske forest. The first video shows the destruction of a Russian tank and a Russian BMP with what appears to be Ukrainian artillery fire. A first vehicle escapes a direct hit by a few meters and soon after tries to turn around to flee. A few seconds later, it is completely demolished by the artillery fire. The final images of the video show a second armored vehicle, in this case, a BMP-2, also destroyed a few meters away from the first tank. A second video released by Russian sources shows a Ukrainian assault on a Russian position…

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    โšซ Follow us on Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/RFUEnglish or @RFUEnglish

  2. Yeah but when you look at the whole map, Russian Federation forces keep attacking. And if you'd just excuse me, the new international border seems to estabilish quite around current positions. Their logistics may be weakened but still working, Crimea bridge intact, nothing shows any sign of a big change possibility there anytime soon.

  3. Stay strong and never give up
    ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ณ๓ ฃ๓ ด๓ ฟ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ณ๓ ฃ๓ ด๓ ฟ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡บ

  4. Great to hear this news, hopefully the tides are turning, the outcome is and was always inevitable, history never lies. Russia will exhaust itself, collapse into political unrest, economic collapse and Anarchy, After Putin's assassination. his successor will need to withdraw Russian troops from all Ukrainian territories to deal with issues and uprisings in the Motherland.

  5. Hard war, russia has no new strategies, except more manpower, how long can russia keep replacing poorly trained village boys with more of the same. Yeas russia has a large population and 1.5 million ruble upfront payment is 3 years pay so it's tempting to give your family so much money, but reality is if you return home its with a wooden leg

  6. Whatโ€™s the current situation on the cherson front? Do the Ukrainians still hold their ground on the other side of the river?

  7. A female doctor was talking about her work in an American army hospital during the Iraq war, she said that it was exhausting, the wounded soldiers kept coming in, one after the other, she said that there were two piles, like small mountains, one was made up of eyes, the other pile was made up of testicles. Then the woman started crying. That's what it's like to fight for progress, so that the machine doesn't stop working. And this is an industrial war worst than Iraq's war.

  8. Some youtubers seem to take war as a diversion for youtube or that's what it seems to me. Some are really pitiful, thumbs up, a silly smile, and another day of great progress according to them, when the border remains the same and thousands die every day, 30,000 Ukrainians just the last week. Open your eyes Ukraine!

  9. I imagined in a dream that a carnivorous plant had eaten my arm, like a green snake it sucked it and swallowed it. Just losing an arm was unbearable. Who wants to lose an arm in exchange for saving the reputation of a clo wn and a dictator? Who will get blinded today? How many Ukrainians will lose those wonderful organs that allow us to see, the miracle of nature that is human vision due to a concussion or shrapnel? Despite suffering only about 4,000 casualties in the long Iraq War, the number of American soldiers who were blinded in that war surpassed those who were blinded in World War II. The hospitals in America are the best in the world and they seem a mess when they collapse due to the large number of patients. I don't want to imagine what the hospitals in Ukraine will be like in this time of war, it must be a frenetic mess. World War 3 is being fought in Ukraine. Yes, maybe Russia invaded Ukraine but it is worse to take advantage of Ukraine.

  10. The irony of that Kharkiv offensive is theyโ€™re saying it was supposed to draw resources away from the east; but now theyโ€™ve spent so much on it theyโ€™ve had to draw their own resources out of the east. Itโ€™s not much of a feint if you spent more on it than they did.

  11. The only reason I am looking at this Chanel is because I want to know what Ukrainian propaganda is…
    Well it seems the situation is even more dire than I thought since you did not talk about how Russian are advancing basically everywhere else.

    I'll keep looking to see Ukrainian propaganda

  12. cโ€™mon russiaโ€ฆ stop being so stupid. we still have the whole global warming thing to deal with. โ˜ฎ๏ธโค๏ธ๐ŸŒ๐ŸŒ๐ŸŒŽ

  13. "We have a MAJOR breakthrough!" (captures one empty field)
    Meanwhile, at Ochyterine Spearhead, Niu York and Chasiv Yar…..
    This channel is a joke.

  14. You know this war has become a stalemate when 1.5 km counts as major gains. Similar to the first World War, it's hard for either side to get enough of an advantage to really make a breakthrough.

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