Norway u ok?

Norway u ok?

by navodar994

  1. One of the world’s biggest streamers, ishowspeed, is touring Europe during the Euros. He is known for acting like a child (shouting, barking, being disrespectful, and self-centered in general). Turns out his fans are usually the scum of the places he visits and that has to be around the fifth stream that turned into an episode of the walking dead with him fleeing from crowds of little entitled assholes he created.

  2. He was just walking along with the crowd in Poland with no security, in Norway someone tried to smash his car window on the first day. Incredibly common Polish W

  3. What is crazy to me is that somehow, somehow, Norway managed to be the country with the least behaved crazy teenagers. Out of all the places he visited, the Norwegian Capital was the worst…

    Partially because we evidently do have some of the absolute worst behaving teenagers (in my opinion due to having absolutely no limits), and because the Norwegian Police didn’t want to help Ishowspeed unless he stopped streaming.

  4. LMAO, the sign above the door in the beginning says “the little border”.

  5. How is Norway the worst country he was legit assaulted, yeah crazy stupid fans like him on every country but nothing like this

  6. This “cultural enriched gathering” must be the dream of any socialist state – so yes, Norway is ok 😉

  7. The worst of this sub is showing again.

    There are a bunch of white people there as well in that mess, but racists are gonna racist

  8. bruh they said Sweden is in worse state then Norway but that doesnt look like dat

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