Video zeigt offenbar Gruppenvergewaltigung einer afghanischen Frau in einem Taliban-Gefängnis | Globale Entwicklung

Video zeigt offenbar Gruppenvergewaltigung einer afghanischen Frau in einem Taliban-Gefängnis | Globale Entwicklung

  1. The Taliban have never been great at PR or running a government, but “stop trying to make us look bad or we will show the world how we rape prisoners” is a level of sick I didn’t expect.

  2. Brought to you by a culture where being raped is seen as more shameful than raping. Absolutely disgusting.

  3. The Taliban, to me, are a collection of the most primitive and uncivilized people to be found on earth. Few other people in the world can claim to have such an undeveloped neanderthal-level of thinking. Too bad we failed in eradicating them.

  4. And remember, the video got only published because the Taliban thought it would make the victim look bad and unmoral, not the rapists themselves.

  5. I am completely shocked members of the Taliban acted in this way.

    They seemed such fine upstanding young men. /s

  6. How can this be true? Islam and Muslims are peaceful and respectful of women.

  7. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.

    We should have just armed the women.

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