Accidental ammunition detonation of the S-60 anti-aircraft gun installed on a Russian MT-LB.

Accidental ammunition detonation of the S-60 anti-aircraft gun installed on a Russian MT-LB.

by bunsinh

  1. Would not be surprised if the cause of this “smoking incident” was because of North Korean supplied ammo was used here..

  2. This is what happens if you pull out a weapon system from deep storage (*a.k.a. it was left to rot on some field in bumfuck Sibiria in the 1960s*) that was fielded in the early 1950s and phased out in the 1970s (Автоматическая зенитная пушка [С-60](

    The functional parts of the gun are likely way beyond end-of-life and the munitions are either from dubious third-party sources or instable due to expiration after end of shelf life.

  3. This must be the cheaper alternative to laser hair removal for Russians.

  4. I am most amazed that the guy on the left just stubbornly kept standing there and didn’t fall or even flinch backwards at all xd

  5. “So how do you like them North Korean ammunition, Igor?”
    “Great success, 3 kills just this morning alone.”

  6. What could go wrong with turning to a war state economy, forcing workers to do 12 hour shifts and begging for the hermit kingdom’s shells? Definitely wouldn’t result in shit quality. Putin is a master strategist /s

  7. Insane to see a close up explosion at this angle

    Almost looks like a test set up, only missing the high speed camera

  8. Nothing accidental about it. Unintentional maybe.

    But can’t call it accidental when the thing have been in storage for 50 years, the ammunition is probably from North Korea at this point or also from 50+years of storage.

    All money during all that time supposedly gone to maintenence has lined the pockets of 10 generals/commanders in charge of the logistics…

    At a certain point it is no longer accidental and just expected… not by the soldiers of course but meat is cheap in Russia. Commander probably got a medal for the death of those “brave” troops.

  9. If they weren’t killed they will be given the opportunity to carry a rifle towards the zero line.

  10. ruSSia is big!

    ruSSia is powerful!

    ruSSia is strong!

    in three days Kiev!

    Lisbon in a week!

    2.5 year later somewhere on Donbas…

  11. Old rusty gun with some ammo donated by the great nation that is DPRK. About the expected result.

  12. Качество подтверждено. Сделано в СССР.

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